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HOA Karen Goes Karen About Guide Dog Training, Loses Her Position

The community we live in and the communal; norms, rules, and regulations are part of every society. We all have good neighbors who like to mind their own business and give house welcoming cookies. On the other hand of the spectrum, there are nosy neighbors who just don’t sit at peace.


This neighbor being a power authority, like the HOA Karen, definitely seems to have a rather toxic approach to reach a settlement. Her rigid mindset and the loud attitude didn’t help her in the long term. But “HATS OFF!!” to this person who knew exactly how to seek the revenge he wanted. With the perfect attitude and knowledge, there is nothing stopping you!.

Just cause he has that “Look” or the “Polite Exterior” doesn’t mean you can mess around!

Via u/judis697734

That is an example of high-quality training along with cute bonding.

Via u/judis697734

Just another day, a road trip to the in-laws, with the most obedient Dog. After all, O is their “Kid” too.

Via u/judis697734

The 5 foot “Karen” knows the County Law well enough, the civil level confrontation got a bit out of hands, O must’ve been so confused. “Respect given is respect earned”.

Via u/judis697734

Let him do him and Karen, you do you.

Via u/judis697734

Policy upon Policy got him baffled and enough is enough. Either state legit laws or just back off.

Via u/judis697734

People who take advantage of their professional designation and play the victim card to the authorities are a complete no-go area.

Via u/judis697734

As someone in the military, how could he not adhere to the instructions or rules set out? Let’s not put him on the spot.

Via u/judis697734

Now that’s some legit hard-core County Law Facts, right there.

Via u/judis697734

Sometimes even we get so consumed with what we know rather than being concrete as to whether there are any other loopholes or not. It becomes like the rigid mindset of Mr. Know it all and that definitely seems to come to bite back Karens, in the most ethical way. This story only gets spicier and is the perfect example of Sweet Revenge.

He had to fire back hard. The HOA must have not seen this one coming.

Via u/judis697734

There you go again with the Karen drama, but there’s a cliffhanger soon to unmask right in front of her. Sadly, she is digging her own grave.

Via u/judis697734

Does Karen really have no other thing or hobby to do throughout the day than to bug the neighbor? He surely got his Grill fired back up for the delicacies.

Via u/judis697734

Really, Karen?

Via u/judis697734

He surely kept his calm, he had his tricks up his sleeve.

Via u/judis697734

Ooooooo, there’s the climax, slow and steady with the addendums. That definitely called for a complaint about HOA harassment.

Via u/judis697734

Karen should’ve had packed her own bags instead, to begin with. Just let him grill and pet O in peace.

Via u/judis697734

This absolute nail-biting revenge story is inspiring because of the perspective, the approach he takes to deal with the situation on hand. Proves to show, just because one is getting out of regard, doesn’t mean that the other should too. Tit for Tat can be done kindly too. Let us know what you thought of this story down in the comments section.

image source: u/judis697734


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