Having a neighbor nearby beats having a distant brother any day. It’s a truth that rings in every circumstance. When considering a property purchase, the neighborhood inevitably comes to mind. Our relationship with neighbors shapes our present and future profoundly. However, life isn’t always a dream; sometimes, we encounter neighbors from hell – from improper parking to trashy habits to the next-door prankster.
Today, we’ve gathered tales of 20 troublesome neighbors that no one wants to live beside. Yet, amidst these challenges, there’s hope. With understanding and cooperation, even the toughest neighborly issues can be resolved. Dive in to discover these stories, and feel free to share your own experiences in the comments below.
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1. The neighbors dragged their trash bags out of their front door and down the communal hallway, creating a trail of trash juice.
Source: areraswen
2. If this neighbor has a license, it needs to be revoked right away.
Source: danhall242
3. I’ll just cook the whole thing and send it over, how does that sound?
Source: neighborsfromhell
4. Undo those nails because no one is going to pick that up for you.
Source: neighborsfromhell
5. They made sure to tell the next-door neighbor about their pettiness.
Source: 220221WhatevrItTakes
6. The cat didn’t do it while standing on the ground, come on!
Source: neighborsfromhell
7. Publicly shaming a neighbor for not putting their trash inside the compactor.
Source: neighborsfromhell
8. Even if he makes the lightest of noise, his neighbors turns on the bang LEDs which point directly into his yard. No matter what time of the day it is.
Source: KK_Hickey
9. This is not dirt you see in this neighbor’s yard. This is dog poop that has built up for 8 months.
Source: calliope04
10. Capacity utilization is over 9000.
Source: Apatheticforcredit
We are always asked to choose our career paths wisely, to choose our friends wisely, to choose our degrees wisely, but man now I fully understand the importance of choosing a neighbor wisely. They can take you down a street you do not want to enter. Bad neighbors can have a terrible impact on your living experience. But it is not possible for anyone to just know how all their neighbors behave. You can read reviews on some websites but that is only to some extent. They truly unveil themselves once you enter that neighborhood.
Is it a luck game, at times? I fully believe it is.
11. Now what exactly happened here last night?
Source: dejadthisvu
12. If a neighbor is this trashy outdoors, you can only imagine what the indoors look like.
Source: Reddit
13. Thanks for the heads-up, mate.
Source: jasonantoon
14. A war is in the making.
Source: neighborsfromhell
15. Next-door neighbor looking like Lil Wayne but short on money.
Source: writercolleenoakley
16. I cannot believe this.
Source: neighborsfromhell
17. More like it is my personal liberty to spread germs and infections everywhere I want.
Source: neighborsfromhell
18. “When life catches up with you.”
19. He was paying for the parking space for nothing so he decided to bring it into use.
Source: neighborsfromhell
20. Poor Greg! What did he do?
Source: neighborsfromhell
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more goodness!
Via noahsygg
Cat tax.
“Before you can hunt the squirrel, you must first become the squirrel.”
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