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When Cats Need Baths: A Collection Of Ridiculous Stories Shared By Cat Owners

If you own a cat, then you know what we are going to talk about. Cats hate water, they always try to get rid of taking baths. That’s why our furry friends have mystical ways of keeping themselves clean. Oftentimes, they let us guess about a variety of things, one of the most enduring mysteries involves a fairly basic element: water. But why!!! That’s still a mystery. 


It’s quite basic knowledge that cats and water just don’t mix together. If you own a furry little baby, just put that baby cat near a water tub and you’ll get to test this theory yourself. See the result and BOOM! Enjoy the reactions of your pet. We have gathered some amazing yet hilarious compilations from people on the internet expressing their dissatisfaction with their cats’ refusal to go near water. Let’s have a look at them: 

1. My cat loves water. No matter if it’s a sprinkler, she just loves it. 

Via Debra Fisher

2. Little kitty loves bathing herself. 

Via Theodore Celen

3. You should use safe shampoo for your cats. 

via Rachel Jacobs

4. Great advice! 

Via  Susan Foreman Hall

5. My babies love grooming themselves. 

Via Patti Pannell

6. My husband and I tried bathing our furry baby. 

Via Marsha Smith

And they say cats don’t like water!! Cats are fascinating creatures, and some of them actually like going near the water. It’s not unusual for some owners to mention their cat’s fondness for it but, it is most definitely rare. Some cats seem to enjoy splashing and pawing at streams of water. When owners of cats who actually enjoy water shared their experience on the internet, people went crazy.

In the bizarre cases where cats actually seem to enjoy water and baths, here are some more amusing stories.

7. Bathed my cat once in my life. 

Via  Jennifer Payton

8. Okay! Point to be noted. 

Via Holly Olsen-Pierce

9. Take advice from the vet before bathing your little baby. 

Via Trinity Marshall

Most cats hate showers and that could be a stressful experience for them. Instead of getting their entire body wet, clean that particular area if possible.

However, there are times when washing your cat is necessary, and there are methods to make the process more comfortable for both of you. Well, if your cat requires a wash due to any reason like exposure to harmful chemicals, or dirt on their skin, or maybe little kitty got fleas, then all you need is to take them to the physician first.

10. Do cats need to bathe? Well, an endless debate. 

Via Jan Davis-Burke

11. My friend’s cat was very cooperative. 

Via Victoria Persephone

12. Thankfully my cats never had fleas. 

Via Martha Cuthill

13. Never in my life, I bathed my cats. 

Via Sandra Brown

To be honest, after seeing how our regular cats react to water, reading stories like this makes us even more amazed. It’s as if our brains are refusing to accept it. Cats do not, under any circumstances, react in this manner.

Let us know whether your furry feline friend enjoys taking bath or splash water? If yes, do share your pet’s picture with us in the comment section below. 


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