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New Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, And Wholesome Rescues

Cats’ cuteness and adorability deserve an appreciation post.

Cats are extraordinarily cute and adorable and they need to be appreciated for the cuteness galore and the positive vibes they give us. The best way we can do this is by dedicating an appreciation post for our cutest kitties who go extra cute, do not listen to us at all, act a little bossy and also save lives. Cats are multi-talented, apart from being your favorite pet who likes being babied all the time, cats have been saving the lives of humans and animals too. How on earth is it possible that we go about our day without praising our goodest cattos? We cannot resist but love and praise them even more than before!


Our furry friends are the real ones who stick with us through our thick and thin. The world might leave your side but your furry friend will always be by your side no matter what. Life might go rough on you but your cat will never. Your adorable kitty will become a source of joy in your worst of the days. If you are a cat lover and have been obsessing over cats, then you have just landed at the right place. We have a cuteness galore of cats where you will everything you have always been looking for. From cats being the dorkiest to cats being rescued, we have got everything for you. So, scroll down and enjoy to your fullest!

1. “From my abusive moms house, living in the car, staying in a hotel, to FINALLY out own place. She’s been there through thick and thin. My partner in crime.”


Via u/thepurgeisnowww

2. “This moggy is a hero. After the barn went up in flames, she woke up the family, not only saving their lives but most of the animals too.”


Via u/plushkins

Who says cats can’t be heroes? Meet this superhero who didn’t only save the lives of humans but of animals too.

3. We took our cat to the vet. The vet said she wants to pee so he brought her pellet litter box but looks like she isn’t happy with the pellet and she has been looking at him like that.


Via u/Kevinthenevin

4. Girlfriend allows this behavior but it scares the hell out of me.


Via u/Glucosquidic

Poor catto might get burned. Be careful.

5. This adorable kitty has entered my apartment forcefully. She had been hanging around the apartment for a few days and always wanted to get in. It is cold tonight (35) and I don’t seem to kick her out. Although, she is very, very insistent on staying.


Via u/Agar_agar_binx

6. This fluffball hangs around in my neighborhood.


Via u/Yelliefish

Isn’t she the cutest? Purrfectly fluffy, purrfectly cute. Should we think about moving to this place? How good our mornings would be to see such a fluffer roaming around in our neighborhood?

7. When you let a stranger cat inside and want to make sure your husband doesn’t get her out when he gets up.

Via u/ijustwannabegandalf

8. Meet Ginger, the sleeping beauty.


Via u/KrissyBean

9. Poor guy has started visiting my home. He doesn’t know how to meow and can’t breathe right. What can I do to help him?

Via u/neversaynotobacta

The only thing you can do to help him is to adopt him. The simplest and the easiest way you can help a cat. If you have a cat who visits you very often, you should adopt him/her. It doesn’t cost much to adopt a cat and does not cost at all to give love. Cats are full of cuteness and love to share with humans, so why not just adopt one? Cats love visiting new places and making new friends. It’s in their friendly nature and in no time, they start getting along with new people. Cattos are a great addition to a family and the best ones when it comes to snuggling up. They are the perfect partners in crime and would never let you get bored. We are not finished yet, there’s more to the cats’ galore. Scroll down for more cat cuteness.

10. Brother and I have built a heated blanket for a stray cat that roams around our house.


Via u/kalimariel

11. Meet Cora, she keeps meowing as if she wants something.

Via u/SnooBananas7897

12. Meet this adorable guy with a big tail. He likes drains and wet bath tubs.


Via u/dragonballgag

13. Does your cat watch you while you poop?

Via u/emofather

14. Can you sit like that?


Via u/MeAGuyWhoLikesReddit

15. When you cook yourself food and finally sit to eat:

Via u/janeErmoly

16. “I went to Paris yesterday. I took 26 photographs and 19 of them were of this cat.”


Via u/screenshotofdispair

Who wouldn’t like photographing a cat who is this cute? Nothing compares to a cat’s beauty. You can go to the most beautiful of the places and would still prefer a cat over the exquisite scenery.

17. Someone told us our cat isn’t cute. Yeah, he is not cute because he is the cutest.

Via u/Avy_v

Is not it rude to tell someone on their face that their cat is not cute? How and from where do you guys collect the courage to say such words for an innocent kitty who is something more than just the word “cute”. It is an offense and we think such people should straight up be sent to jail for hurting a cat owner’s sentiments. We believe he is not cute but he is the cutest.

18. Meet Biscuit, who was diagnosed with cancer. He had his surgery 2 weeks ago, now he is cancer-free.


Via u/Jumpy_Inspector_

Sending best wishes to Biscuit for a speedy recovery. We know how difficult it must have been for Biscuit to go under the knife. He is the bravest boy who has fought cancer and we are more than happy to see Biscuit getting recovered. We have loved these cats who have been funny, naughty, nosy, helpful and whatnot. We love possibly every type of cat. What about you? Tell us in the comments below did you like this cuteness galore?


What do you think?