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30 Times Our Pets Saved Our Lives And Were Actual Heroes

Pets being heroes is nothing new.

Now I am not trying to downplay anything, I am just saying that animals are much more loyal than humans and they will risk their lives to save their humans. We usually hear stories about dogs but as you will see below, heroics aren’t just for dogs as even cats try their best when their hooman needs help. And that is exactly the sort of stories we have today. From dogs letting their owners know that something is wrong to cats waking their hooman up every second to warn them.


I am sure you have heard stories of dogs being able to sniff cancer before even the doctors know and there has been some research done on this particular phenomenon. Even cats are sometimes able to sort of ‘know’ that a person is sick. perhaps it is because of their enhanced sense of smell. Whatever the reason may be our pets save us all the time from tragic ends. And following are some of the stories. So just scroll below to read them for yourself.

Source: Twitter

First, we have the story that prompted others to share their experience.


This is the aforementioned dog.


It is because of the dog that the baby is still alive and we are all thankful for that.


Not only that but the good doggo even held the fort while the hoomans were gone.


Just look at this adorable face!


This is the tweet that prompted other people to share similar stories. And as it turns out, everyone has a lot of experiences that they wanted others to know. We think that animals aren’t as intelligent but they are quite clever when it comes to important things. You will see that for yourself when you go through the first few examples of what people have gone through and how they have survived.

#1 This is quite sad actually.


#2 The cat continued even after being thrown around.

#3 That is one way to show her love towards you.


#4 The best sort of guard cat.

#5 Never judge an animal because of its size.


#6 She clearly deserved a lot of treats.

#7 How did the cat know?


#8 The cat knew before anyone else did.

#9 The dog disobeyed so she could save everyone.


#10 Dogs can be quite loyal as seen here.

#11 All I wanna know is how do they know?


#12 It is surprising to see a cat saving a fish rather than eating it.

#13 The cat wanted to keep watch over the baby.


#14 We honestly don’t deserve dogs.

#15 I hope he got a lot of treats after that.


#16 How does one run at 11 months old? Did they mean 11 years old?

#17 The kitty will try his best to keep her company.


#18 Scratch what I said earlier, we don’t deserve pets.

#19 Actually my cat does something similar but he also gives me a head massage.


#20 This doggo is an angel in dog form.

#21 Some animals can be quite perceptive.


#22 Cats can help a person with mental illness.

#23 The dog knew that there was something wrong with the heart.


#24 This is sort of scaring me if I am being honest.

#25 Now this is just sweet.


#26 Cats actually will do this if you are having nightmares.

#27 The dog was doing her daily rounds and it is adorable.


#28 And they would do the same for her.

#29 Pets help each other all the time too.


#30 Who needs a diagnostician if you have a dog?

Have you ever experienced something similar? If so how did your pet save you? Let us know in the comments below as we always love to hear from our readers.


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