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30 Hilarious Comics That All Dark Humor Lovers Will Appreciate

We’d like to introduce you to the New Yorker’s brilliant cartoonist today. You’ve never heard of Dave Blazek before, but he’s a legend in the world of comics. Among Dave’s many achievements is the National Cartoonists Society’s Reuben Award, which has been likened to the Oscars of the cartoonist world. People enjoy Dave’s comic because it’s extremely entertaining. We hope you will love reading his series of artwork.


We came across Dave’s one of the most enthralling series of comics and thought to share it with you. Dave’s The Lost Parts comic is full of dark humor and hilarity. The comics are not only filled with humor, but it’s also curiously intellectual. Traditional newspaper comics are still created by artists. Dave has worked in magazine syndication for many years, including at The New Yorker and other well-known publications. People had also liked his Instagram account, which has 6.9k followers. Enjoy the work of great artist Dave Blazek by scrolling down!

1. Genius Anesthesiologist.


2. What does she mean by EVERYONE.


3. New way to use Roomba!


4. Poor Groover.


5. Lol, what?


6. But you don’t even have a knee.


7. This theme song is so relatable.

8. Blindception!


9. A little bit of Chardonnay.

10. Real Big Bang Theory!


11. Side? What Side?

12. He needs more Volumes.


13. Timmy – a poor soul.

14. Erudite: having a great knowledge!


15. Is that SALE sign real?

Those who enjoy comic strips will love this work of art! To be honest, this piece of artwork combines features of both lightheartedness and levity, as well as a tinge of gloominess. In his cartoons, Dave Blaisek depicts a wide range of scenarios, from simple events to frightening incidents of our daily life, and they’re all fascinating. Everyone enjoys reading his comics because they are funny and simple to grasp.

Explore the bizarre and sinister world of Dave Blazek’s illustrations by scrolling down to see some of the most recent compilations of his work. Also, don’t forget to share these illustrations with your like-minded friend to make their day brighter and better.

16. That is why it is important to use the correct indications.


17. Oops! These robots are having a big trouble solving “Prove you are human”


18. Wish they hadn’t discovered this about themselves.


19. Slow Claps!

20. A Murder Of Crows!


21. Deep Songs!

22. This message is especially for vegans.


23. Eye See!

24. She popped his balloon. Nice way to reject someone.


25. Curious George: Last day in this world.

26. Every dad needs this.


27. That would be a great prank.

28. X + Y = Z!


29. If you jump, it will work well.

30. Just wait for it.


It’s a daunting task to make an artwork illustrating the events and situations that take place in our daily routines. Using just four panels, these artists have mastered the art of condensing a complex story. These artists have skilled the mastery to create a masterpiece in a way that’s simple to understand and provides a thorough picture of the situation.

Which comic do you love the most? Let us know in the comment section below. We’d love to hear your opinion and thoughts on this series.


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