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13 Times Actors Improvised And Made Our Favorite Movies Even Better

Sometimes mistakes turn into iconic scenes.

Life without movies would have been so boring. Thanks to the entertainment industry for keeping us entertained. All that we see in dramas and movies are not always done according to the script. Sometimes actors make such mistakes that sound better than what was written in the script so the director keeps it in the film and the scene gets appreciated. Here, we have 13 such iconic scenes from our favorite films that were not done according to the original script but were improvised by our favorite actors. Scroll down to see how actors made these films even better with their improvisations.


1. “This is Sparta!” from 300 (2007).


© 300 / Warner Bros. Pictures

We all remember the famous yell of King Leonidas “This is Sparta!” from the film 300. This dialogue is the improvisation of the actor Gerard Butler who played the role of Gerard Butler.

Director wanted the actor to whisper this dialogue in a low tone but the actor yelled it loudly and then kicked the Persian messenger into the well.


© 300 / Warner Bros. Pictures

Everyone laughed at him for doing this scene in a loud voice but the director loved it and kept it like this.

2. “I am the king of the world!” from “Titanic”. (1997)


© Titanic / Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation

It was Leonardo DiCaprio’s idea to scream the phrase “I am the king of the world!” and the director loved it.

A scene where Jack draws Rose naked and Jack tells her “Over on the bed… ugh… the couch”.


© Titanic / Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation

It was a mistake. The script had “Over on the couch” but the director loved it and kept it like that.

3. “Welcome Home” from “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2“. (2011)


© Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Warner Bros. Pictures

In a scene from “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” where Voldemort hugs Draco and says “Welcome Home”. It was Ralph Fiennes’ idea. He was supposed to just walk by but the actor thought it would be too boring.

4. Timothée Chalamet scene from “Call Me By Your Name”. (2017)


© Call Me by Your Name / Frenesy Film Company

In a scene from “Call Me By Your Name” where Timothée Chalamet looks deeply into the camera for 2 seconds. This move was done by the actor himself. This scene touched so many hearts.

5. “Leave the gun, take the cannoli” from the iconic film “The Godfather“. (1972)

© Godfather / Paramount Pictures

The famous phrase “Leave the gun, take the cannoli” from the iconic film “The Godfather” is pure improvisation from actor Richard S. Castellano. The script just had “Leave the gun” but the actor added the cannoli part.

6. Fight scene from “Fight Club“. (1999)


© Fight Club / Art Linson Productions

The fight scene from the film “Fight Club” was an improvisation from Edward Norton and director David Fincher. According to the script, Norton’s character was supposed to hit Brad Pitt on the shoulder but he punched him and Brad Pitt yelled. This improvisation made the scene so realistic.

7. Peggy Carter touching Captain America in “Captain America: The First Avenger”. (2011)

© Captain America: The First Avenger / Marvel

In the iconic scene where Captain America gets his perfect body, Peggy Carter touches his body. The actress touched Chris Evans’ perfect body instinctively and the director loved the scene and kept it like that.

8. Saving Private Ryan. (1998)


© Saving Private Ryan / Amblin Entertainment

A scene from “Saving Private Ryan” where Captain Miller and Private Ryan share their memories about home. Matt Damon (Private Ryan) improvised the scene and made up the story himself. The story touched million hearts and it was hard to believe it was not a part of the script.

9. “No one’s ever really gone” from “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”. (2017)

© Star Wars: The Last Jedi / Lucasfilm

There was a scene from “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” where Luke Skywalker tells his sister, Leia, “No one’s ever really gone,” and kisses her on the forehead. This scene moved everyone and the forehead kiss was Mark Hammil’s idea.

10. Lawrence kissing Adams in “American Hustle”. (2013)


© American Hustle / Atlas Entertainment

In a scene from American Hustle where Rosalyn was arguing with Sydney Prosser. Jennifer Lawrence (Rosalyn) got so much involved in the scene that she kissed Amy Adams (Sydney Prosser) aggressively. This scene was not a part of the script, the actress improvised it and the director loved it.

11. “I am Iron Man” from “Iron Man”. (2008)

© Iron Man / Paramount Pictures

We all remember the famous phrase “I am Iron Man” from Iron Man. It was Robert Downey Jr.’s improvisation.

12. “That’s not a hug, I’m just grabbing the door for you” from “Spider-Man: Homecoming”. (2017)


© Spider-Man: Homecoming / Marvel Studios

In a scene from “Spider-Man: Homecoming” where Robert Downey Jr. says “That’s not a hug, I’m just grabbing the door for you, is an improvisation of both actors Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. The scene looked good and the director decided to keep it.

13. The fight scene in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”. (1981)

© Raiders of the Lost Ark / Paramount Pictures

In a scene from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” where Indiana Jones fights with the bad guy, this scene was supposed to be a long fight and the actor was supposed to fight with the bad guy with a sword according to the script. Actor Harrison Ford got food poisoning just a day before the scene. Since the actor was not ready for a long fight, he pulled out his gun and shot the bad guy.

Here is a video of the iconic scene:

Video Credits: el toro

Did you enjoy reading how these actors improvised the scenes and made these scenes iconic? Which of these scenes were your favorite?


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