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Comics Shows What Superheroes Are Doing In Their Free Time & It’s Hilarious

When we watch superhero movies, we automatically expect that they will always do everything right. Almost all of the time. However, according to Chilean artist Karlo Ferdon, superheroes can make mistakes just like any other normal person. They are capable of making mistakes and feeling embarrassed about them. Karlos has produced some incredible comics that demonstrate his artistic ability, and he has demonstrated to society that it is acceptable for all of us to make mistakes in our daily lives. In fact, Karlos began creating comics at a very young age. While growing up, we would watch superhero movies and exclaim to ourselves about how great all of the characters were. Because of these characters, young Karlos developed an attachment to them, and he began depicting the everyday problems of our superheroes in comic books and cartoons as a result. Karlo possesses the extraordinary ability to convey the everyday difficulties that superheroes face without saying a single word. Not only is he capable of creating works of art that will make you laugh, but he also has the ability to make you sympathize with all of the world’s superheroes. We’ve gathered a selection of Karlo’s most unique and original comics for you to enjoy here!


Comics credit: karloferdon

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1. Imagine the Mjollnir being on the floor and only the “worthy” can pick it up!


2. It’s a normal day. You’re walking down the street and you see Dr. Bruce Banner transforming into Hulk!


3. Superman saving the day, we all want to be that cat.


4. Peter Parker explores his interests.


5. How superheroes would look in the pandemic!


6. Who would have known that a member of fantastic four could be so sensitive.


7. Just spending some quality time before saving the world!

8. How superman would play with his pets.


9. Superheroes need to make too somehow!

10. A typical day for Hulk planting trees and avoiding the biggest Earth crisis.


11. Superheroes get hurt from time to time too!

12. This is a wholesome comic portraying the fun side of our saviors!


13. In an alternate reality!

14. Ooopsie!


15. Thor’s hammer can solve this problem!

16. Just a normal Friday night.


17. Glad that they’re putting their powers to use even at an old age!

18. This is definitely something Spiderman would do.


19. Wonder Woman putting her powers to good use.

20. He has been trying to open this jar for fifteen minutes. Come on! You can do it Hulk!


21. Iron Man doesn’t have time to rest!

22. This is kind of heartbreaking…


23. “Mmm! Does my nose look too fat?”

24. Why are all superheroes so bad at hiding that they’re superheroes?


25. Awee! This is kinda sweet!

26. Putting the costume to good use.


27. Are we really ready to joke about this scene? This is still super heartbreaking.

28. Okay but this is kind of intelligent.


29. Using that shield for a good cause.

30. The only effective way of making batman surprised!


All this talent has been portrayed in the most simple yet extraordinary manner. Each and every single one of Karlo’s comics is unique and represents soo much. Do you have any superhero thoughts that you would like to be turned into a comic?


What do you think?