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23 Pets Who Hate Selfies But Still Look Adorable

Pets and pictures do not really go together well.

If you have a pet, you already know that pets are usually in a grumpy or sleepy mood and if we try to take a picture with them, they straight up refuse to do so. They just do not like getting their picture taken. This is why most of the pictures of your pets on your phone are blurry images of them goofing around. I do not know how these Instagram pets do it, my pets hate taking pictures. It is almost like they are allergic to cameras. Pets like to act independent. They do not want their humans to hold them in front of a camera and forcefully take a picture of them. If you try to do so, they will ruin the picture. And if you have more than one pet, good luck trying to capture both of them sitting still in the same frame. They just do not like sitting still, especially when a camera is out. If you do not have a pet and are wondering what I am talking about since there are millions of perfect pet pictures on the Internet, we have gathered 28 pictures of pets who hate taking pictures but still look very good. Scroll down below to see them.


1. “I am going to murder you in your sleep.”


© jamespucos / reddit

2. Put your face down.


© parkourwade / imgur

3. “I’ve simply accepted my fate.”


© unknown / imgur

4. “Come on now, human. I was sleeping.”


© Stevecat032 / reddit

5. Look at these two.


© acidcow

6. It’s tongue out the day.



7. A hidden photobomb.

© acidcow

8. Stop panicking.


© ApplyBurnHeal / imgur

9. Paparazzi spotted.

© thisusernamestakenn / imgur

10. Happy times.


© unknown / imgur

11. “Yes, human, I am looking at you. Put that phone away.”

© slothwoman / reddit

12. “Just follow my lead, little buddy.”



13. Showing off paws.


14. “I don’t want any kisses from you.”


© selfiegamestrong / reddit

I wish I was this photogenic. I look like Shrek when I do not want to get my picture taken but these pets are natural. They are not even trying and they look so perfect. However, you can tell by their frowns and grumpy looks that they are really not interested in getting their pictures taken. But that will not stop their humans from taking their pictures because they love them. Scroll down below to see more.

15. “You see that rage? It’s coming your way!”


16. Look at that adorable kitty.



17. Grumpy little furball.


18. Very angry baby.


© wisenorthwind / reddit

19. “I’m too special to be grumpy.”

© DeathFalcon / reddit

20. Snapping like a pro.


© unknown / imgur

21. Sleepy husky.

© AwkwardRN / reddit

22. “Just take my paw and leave me alone.”


© WeLax / facebook

23. “Please, someone help me.”

© SFMOMA / twitter

Did you enjoy seeing these pictures of pets? Do you have similar pictures of your pets? Share them with us in the comments below.


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