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25 Cats That Took The Selfie Game To A Whole New Level

Cats are such wholesome and entertaining creatures, they keep on doing these adorable things that make you love them even more. Having a cat as your pet is like having a package full of entertainment. Their wholesomeness and adorability make your day. Their presence is heart-warming and you just can not ignore the entertainment they provide to you, every day. Have you seen cats taking selfies? You might have, but rarely, we believe. But today, we have something exciting for you that you would not have had seen today.


I know that you all would have been waiting for some adorable cats to brighten up your day. Therefore, we have collected 26 adorable cats for all of you that include their selfie game comprising of cuteness galore and funny gestures. It will make you laugh by falling back on your stomach as these cats have learned to capture moments in the perfect timing. Their funny and cute gestures are to live for. It’s hard to accept the people who don’t love cats. I mean, how can they? Because they have so many things that attract you towards them. Scroll down till the end to witness some fun-filled content.

1. Selfie trio of watchdogs and the cat


2. Visual representation of how dads take selfies


3. Posing purr-fectly for the picture


4. When you take a perfect selfie with your bestie


5. I am amazed by his posture


6. This cat is definitely a future photographer


7. Cutest cat with big round eyes capturing herself like a princess

8. Want to see my side profile?


9. Hey, I am bored, wanna go live with me?

10. His hand though


11. I love the angle I must say

12. This cat knows how to pose for good pictures


13. This is one of the best cat pictures I have ever seen

14. Hello boy, are you afraid of me yet?


15. My name is cat and my aim in life is to capture myself from the most horrible angles. bye

16. She is definitely a poser


17. Click click, here comes my selfie

18. I am almost thrusting myself into the camera but you guys have to see my selfie


19. When you are afraid of something and you get it captured at the moment

20. Such a photogenic cat


21. Her looks look really funny

22. I am not here to make you afraid, I am here to take a good selfie


23. Lemme capture you there my pal

24. Her innocent face is a lie, beware


25. When you wanna be badass in front of the camera

All those cats were adorable but I could not stop adoring the cats that captured the perfect selfies, as it warms your heart. Also, it’s actually very cute how cats can be weirdly funny and entertaining. I guess, this is what makes them special. So far, did you enjoy these cat snaps that we presented to you? Tell us which cat did you like the best? Also, does your cat also capture selfies, if she ever did, share with us in the comment section below? Do not forget to share your feedback in the comments. Stay tuned in for more wholesome content.


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