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21 Hilariously Questionable Logos Made By Graphic Designers

They all look very suspicious to me.

We all know that when it comes to marketing and advertising one of the most important things is brand recognition. Every brand or business wants a name of its own, a unique identity of its own. They all want to be noticeable and most prominent amongst other competitors, they all want to capture the customer’s eye somehow. They want to be recognized. This is exactly why logos were invented. Logos become the symbol of brands, they become their unique identity. Logos are something the brand is recognized by and they represent the brand. That is why brands, organizations, businesses, institutions, groups, etc pay a fortune to the graphic designers to get the most attractive and unique logo out of them all. But sometimes logos can be very misleading and extremely inappropriate. They surely attract a lot of people but they only make fun of them. We came across a bunch of questionable but hilarious logos that will make you question your dirty mind. Keep on scrolling down…


1. They probably have no idea what a terrible job their graphic designer has done.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

2. This one is clever.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

3. Oh, boy! What on earth are they selling? I do not think they will be able to sell anything with that ridiculous logo.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

4. This one was definitely intentional, I mean just look at it. Hilarious.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

5. Is my mind too much in the gutter or do these actually look inappropriate to you too?


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

6. No one is going to buy their yogurt if it actually looks like that in the logo.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

7. Mama…what…exactly are you baking?

Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

8. Uh, it does not look like a safe place to me.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

9. Now, I have started to think all of these are probably done on purpose.

Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

10. There is noticeably too much space between E and R.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

I am really having a hard time believing that all of these are, in fact, real. Aside from being super funny, these logos are also very embarrassing and inappropriate. All of these are the worst mistakes of these brands. I wonder how come they allowed this to happen? They must have people who look into this stuff thoroughly before giving approval. How can one approve of these logos without noticing anything suspicious? It is either we have our minds in the gutter or they are too innocent. Keep on scrolling down to see more…

11. These are getting so bad, I was not expecting this.

Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

12. Doughboys need to really rethink this one. Not a good idea, at all.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

13. It is either this one is intentional or they just do not care enough to redo the logo.

Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

14. A-Style what…? Actually, I do not want to find out.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

15. We are the problem, guys, nothing wrong with this one.

Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

16. How can one NOT notice it? It really looks very bad.



17. Oh, poor Dentist. They probably have no idea how inappropriate this logo is.

Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

18. What kind of fire looks like THAT? Big zero to the graphic designer.


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

19. What exactly are they selling at that pharmacy?

Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

20. Oh, no! This is so inappropriate. How can anyone approve of this without noticing how inappropriate it looks?!


Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

21. This is also definitely intentional.

Image Credit: lookonthebrightside

Guys, I  really think all of these were made on purpose. It is definitely a great trick to capture someone’s attention, good business mind people have these days. Is it just us or do you also think these logos were intentional? Tell us in the comments down below…


What do you think?