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22 Funniest Photos Proving How Life Of Pet Owners Is Never Ending Fun

Cats are box-lovers!

We’re always curious as to what’s in those empty boxes that draw the attention of these kitties. Whatever costly toys, beds, or catnips you purchase for them, they will always end up playing with these crates in the end. Anyways, whenever you notice there’s silence all over your home, simply go and see what your cat is up to. You will find that these pals are either sleeping inside these empty boxes instead of their comfortable and snug beds, or they are playing with these boxes instead of their typical toys. Whatever, they look quite adorable and cute when they are playing with these boxes.


Check out some of the most adorable booster images that are enough to lift up your spirit!

1. Knock, Knock..your purr-cel has arrived, sir!

Via  arthik / Pikabu

The laws of physics say, “The box should be fully filled with a cat.”

2. “I asked for a glass of banana milk hooman, not a box of milk”

Via  Firstita555 / Reddit

“I requested a box in my cat’s room at a pet hotel. They sent me this update.”

3. “Where’s the food, man?”

Via  koshhkamusi / Pikabu

4. Here’s the majestic Harry Potter’s cat in the box!

Via Adiya / Pikabu

“Got a figurine and decided to put it on a shelf. This is what I saw when I returned.”

5. C’mon purr, you can do it!


6. Wow! only a creative mind can make such a huge cat house.

Via  Y2k18 / Pikabu

7. Don’t see mee, hooman!

8. The way they both are sleeping is just so adorable.

Via Instagram

9. Eeh! from where we can get this purr-fect version of the iPhone?

via  ClubBot / Reddit

10. Cats have one goal in their life, just sit where you fit!

via  Geshem / Pikabu

11. Cats don’t care whether they fit in the box or not.

Via arthik / Pikabu

So, what do you think about these kitties? Isn’t it adorable how these feline babies love to sit in these empty boxes? Well, we didn’t want these images to come to an end, and it’s obvious that none of the cat lovers would want these images to be over, too.

So, if you are a cat-lover and want to have some more fun watching these buddies, then just keep scrolling down!

12. Need to give a surprise to my hoomans.

13. Looks like these pals need a belly scratch.

Via anzaniteflame / Reddit

14. This kitty got perfect shoes!

Via  295DVRKSS / Reddit

15. Oh gosh! why don’t you knock before opening the box???

Via  JesterWales / Reddit

16. Not only do cats love to sit in boxes, but these massive cats also love to sit here.

Via mayong13 / Reddit

17. “You mean we can’t do morning workouts in the box???”

Via TheAnarchistMonarch / Reddit

“You know, I do feel comfy.”

18. Purrfect place to rest!

Via its-probably-an-owl / Reddit

“I tried to make some waffles in a waffle maker. Results may vary.”

19. Copy-cats!

Via Morflex / Pikabu

20. Advice: Never Buy An Expensive Bed For Your Cat!!!

Via hulamonster420 / Reddit

21. The tail did not fit in.

Via  phillhb / Reddit

“My cat scratched a tail hole into her box.”

22. Sit like a BOSS!

Via  H0agh / Reddit

Lastly, here’s an adorable surprise for you in this box!

Via  andreisavanovsexa / Reddit

Does your cat love to sit inside the box? If yes, then do share your pet’s pictures with us in the comments area below!


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