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12 Dads Who “Didn’t Want A Dog In The House” But Now Can’t Live Without Them

Dogs are so adorable that they can even melt hearts of stone.

Who does not want to have a puppy or a grown-up dog who would play with you and go on morning walks with you? The thought of having a dog sounds very sweet but dad would not let it happen ever. Dads are the first ones to say “I do not want a dog in this house”. And, if you will get a dog, they would say “he is not allowed on the couch, bed or on the dinner table”. If you will get one, they would say, I would never allow two in this house. Dads have their own reasons for saying no to dogs but guess what? Dads are the first ones to fall in love with dogs. They would take them to their beds, lay with them on the couch and make them sit in their laps. That’s how dads are! Seems like dads have surrendered in front of these adorable doggos. Today, we have 12 rigid dads who did not want a dog but are now dog owners. Scroll down and enjoy!


1. When your dad is a secret dog lover:



2. Dad would never show how much he loves dogs:



3. Dads are unpredictable:



4. From I don’t want a dog to napping with a dog:



5. When you do not want a dog but end up falling in love with dogs:



6. How can you resist when an adorable puppy falls in love with you?



Dads would never accept it in front of us that they love dogs but deep inside, their heart is full of love and warmth for these little babies and as soon as they see them, they would hug them, cuddle with them and try to make them feel at home. That’s how kids our dads are! And we believe it’s hard that anyone could stay away from loving a cuddly boy! This is not it; we have more cold-hearted dads turning into dog lovers and it is something you need to see. So, scroll down and have fun!

7. Dad: I have nothing to do with him. I am just letting him sleep.


8. When it is your dog versus when it is your dad’s dog:



9. Dad: I am not a dog person. I am just taking care of the good boys.


10. Dad: iPad is for the doggo.



11. Dads cuddling with dogs is the sweetest thing.


12. When your dad has a heart of gold:



Is your dad the typical “I don’t want a dog in this house” type? If yes, share your experience of how did your daddy turn into a dog lover? We would love to hear about your experiences. If you have an “I would not allow a dog in this house” type of daddy, make sure to upvote and leave a comment for your furry friends.


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