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These Funny Cats Are Here To Brighten Up Your Dim Day

Cats have taken up the responsibility to keep humans entertained.

The special treatment is basically for their owners but god bless those owners, they love showcasing their best friends to everyone so they post all the cat-related content on the internet and we, who do not have cats, can enjoy those moments as much as their owners do. Nothing is perfect but I think we can create an exception for cats. Cats have magical powers to enchant anyone into loving them. I swear, whoever goes out to a shelter or finds a stray cat with the intention to adopt it, it is actually the cat who is adopting the human. You can go ask the cat owners, and they would agree. Life with cats is both a bliss and hell.  And which side of life their owners are on also gets decided by the cats. A happy cat will take care of their owners like no one else, they will also entertain their owners and generate some of the funniest moments ever. On the other side of things, your cat may slap you in the face for not giving it treats in time and may also break your 65″ TV if you do something it doesn’t like. So, it’s a universal relationship and cat owners seem to love it.


Today’s focus, however, will be on entertainment. Cats are so damn hilarious and half of the time it is unintentional, they are just dumb. And that dumbness results in hilarity. We will be enjoying our day today by looking at our favorite dumb friends being hilarious. If any one of you guys is having a bad day, you are at the right place. Get ready for a turnaround.

Scroll down below to enjoy some funny cats. You are bound to laugh hysterically.

1. What is this fluffy long thing coming right out of my bum?


2. I don’t think a better picture could’ve been used to explain this dumb phenomenon which always works, unfortunately.


3. Do it before you drown in the guilt and regret of not doing it.


4. I swear this is so true. And slowly we turn into a fat floof like the cat we see in this meme.


5. Can you say no to that face? No, you can’t.


6. They cannot be explained, these random malfunctions will always occur.


7. Why is Lasagne looking so confused?

You associate anything with a cat and it becomes funny. We must cherish cats before it is too late, guys. Cats are everything we have on this disappointing planet to get us through. I really wonder how life would’ve been without them.

I love cats and these cat memes are so fun to go through. Could view a couple hundred and not get bored. How are you guys liking it so far?

8. All cat lovers must get together at this bar and raise a toast to cats and drink like cray.


9. Even the bodies of cats prove they love us.

10. A perfect combination doesn’t exi…


11. Wherver a cat can fit, it will enter.

12. I literally cannot stop laughing at this one.


13. Give the poor guy some treats.

14. You have a lot to know, teacher.


How did you like this? We hope this hysterical post managed to brighten up your dim days. And we will not be taking any credit away from the cats, they did it.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below. Stay tuned for more cat goodness!


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