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20 Relatable Comics That You Need To See Right Now

Everyone wants to make a connection.

It might seem like an easy task to make a connection especially when everyone and their mothers are on social media but that is not the case. Even with everyone sharing their lives, there are a lot of times that one feels like they are alone and that nobody is able to understand them. Now, I am not talking about teenagers complaining about how their parents don’t understand them. I am actually talking about things that every human being does but thinks they are weird.


I mean who hasn’t stuffed their face in their armpit to check if they smell? It may sound disgusting but we all do it even if we don’t want to admit it. It is just a part of life and even things that may seem disgusting are perfectly natural for most of us. Well, that is exactly where this particular artist comes from. She is an Indian illustrator by the name of Shilpi Samson who has made it her mission to make us all feel exposed.

You can check out some of her most relatable comics by scrolling below so enjoy.

Source: Instagram | Facebook

#1 I actually recently started using a chair for this as well and now I feel called out.


#2 I have no idea why this always happens even though I am so angry, the tears keep coming out anyway.


#3 This is especially true if you have put off doing a lot of things until next week and you get exhausted just by thinking about it.


#4 We are not all as rich as Ariana Grande after all. I can’t even afford a single ring.


#5 Wait, Doesn’t everybody sing the little tune in their head? I thought that was the only way.


#6 How else are you supposed to sit anyway? Every other position is just uncomfortable.


#7 Even when you want to dismiss it, your brain doesn’t let you ever forget it.

#8 And it is even harder to find them when you don’t know where you put the key.


#9 The braids never look as good as you think they will.

#10 This is what all adults think until they actually grow up.


The artist has close to 25 k followers and she only deserves more. her art style may look simple but that is what distinguishes her from many other artists drawing similar things. And I don’t know about you but I have related to an individual more than I did when it comes to these particular comics. If you want to look at even more work from this incredible artist, you can always check out her Instagram where she posts semi-regularly.

#11 It is like your face knows that you are going to put makeup on today.

#12 And yet we still cannot live without our cats.


#13 It hits like a truck one day and then you are buried under responsibilities.

#14 Don’t forget about the excellent makeup, photoshop, and the different body type.


#15 This is why they should make the popcorn cups bigger.

#16 We have all done this, don’t even try to deny it.


#17 It is like they always vanish exactly when you need them.

#18 The shower is the best place to think about all your embarrassing moments in life after all.


#19 I personally hate hot showers but I get where she is coming from.

#20 Even when you don’t have any money left in your account, you still need to buy that pretty dress.


What are your thoughts on these comics? Were you able to relate to these particular comics or have you never done these things before? Don’t worry, it will be a secret just between us so you can be honest. So don’t forget to comment down below and let us know while also sharing these incredibly humorous comics with your friends so they can enjoy them as well.


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