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20 Hilarious Comics With Quirky Twists That You Will Find Relatable


Life is unpleasant.

This may sound depressing, but it is true for many people. It’s like waking up every day to a war, and the only respite we get is when we sleep. That is usually the case, but there are artists out there doing their best to turn our painful experiences into comics that will make us smile. After all, the best way to deal with any problem is with humour, and the creators of these comics have mastered the art. These comics are actually the work of five different people who worked together to create them. ‘Pain Comics’ is the name of their combined project.

As the name suggests, it is mostly about everyday situations we encounter, but done in a whimsical way that will put you in a good mood. After all, we already hear about doom on the internet on a daily basis, and we all deserve a little more wholesomeness. The artists are dubbed “five losers,” and I assure you that this is what they call themselves, not something I made up to mock them. After all, I enjoy reading their work, and it always cheers me up when I’m having a bad day.

So scroll down to bring a little sweetness into your day as well.

Source: Instagram: Pain Comics

#1 She should have been more specific with her wording.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#2 The truth that hurts many.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#3 This is why you wait till they finish their se……


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#4 Okay, that would be quite a useful power.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#5 And that makes it okay, right?


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#6 Everybody needs a compliment sometimes.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#7 Atleast, he tried.

Via Instagram :Paincomics

#8 Imagine if that is what the anesthesiologist did.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#9 What more could the human want?

Via Instagram :Paincomics

#10 The first bullet goes to this guy.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#11 Chivalry at its finest.

Via Instagram :Paincomics

Life is all about your point of view. After all, do you see the glass as half full or half empty? This simple thought can alter your entire perspective. I’m not saying that being more optimistic will solve all of your problems. But, since lemons are going to rain down on your head every day, why not make some lemonade instead of getting hit by them and receiving nothing in return? All of our depressing experiences teach us something for the future, but everyone handles them differently.

#12 Guess he found out.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#13 Yes a tattoo is definitely the worse thing.

Via Instagram :Paincomics

#14 That must have him confused.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#15 Is it a new phobia?

Via Instagram :Paincomics

#16 I am not sure if that is how it works.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#17 It’s morally wrong when it’s any other car.

Via Instagram :Paincomics

#18 The truth hurts.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

#19 This is our future.

Via Instagram :Paincomics

#20 This is how you become the coolest.


Via Instagram :Paincomics

What do you think of these comics? They made you happy, didn’t they? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share these comics with your friends so they can share your enthusiasm for the artists as well.


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