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Karen Goes Crazy On A Plane After A Man Refuses To Switch Seats With Her

No one wants to be part of a scene when traveling with the general public.

Traveling can be very exhausting. Especially when you have long, back-to-back tours, with connecting flights, long car rides, and train travels, it just can really take a toll on your energy levels. And then it’s those days that take you to recover after the journey that ruins your schedule, and then everything turns into mayhem as you squeeze everything into the remaining post-recovery days that you have left before returning back home. The last thing you want in all of this is to have a bad travel experience. You don’t want to get into any sort of trouble with anyone and at least spend that time in peace. In order for this to happen, some people pay a little extra than the actual amount of the ticket to get the seat of their choice. They can pick and choose the one that is the most suitable and comfortable for them in order to keep their stress levels at a minimum.


Reddit user u/Unlikely-Strategy596 did something similar. They paid a little surcharge to get a seat of their choice on the airplane they were going to travel on. The plans to get a comfortable seat to get the stress minimized were soon shown their way to the trashcan as a mother came up to this guy and wanted to exchange seats with him. He obviously refused and that mother really didn’t want to hear “no” for an answer. So she went all out on that guy basically tried to annihilate him mid-flight.

Scroll down below to read what happened!

1. OP had a 10-hour long flight for which they paid a little extra to get a seat of their choice.


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

2. A family asked for an exchange of seat with OP but he rejected them because their seats were way at the back and he had paid extra to stay at the front.


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

3. Woah, she escalated very quickly. The woman reacted as if OP was sitting in her seat.


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

4. She tried to publically shame him for a self-created scene. Wow.


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

5. Exactly, if she is so eager to sit with her family then she should’ve made advanced bookings or should’ve paid extra the way OP did.


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

6. The husband apologized to OP as all hopes to get that seat died for the woman.


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

7. But the husband did mention OP would’ve made things easier by giving away his seat. So they presented the matter before the community of AITA to ask if they were wrong or right.

Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

This one is very simple. OP was NTA for refusing to give up his seat. He had earlier mentioned that traveling is something that terribly exhausts him and the only reason why he paid extra for the seat in the front was to get out of the plane as soon as the plane lands. And the flight too was 10 hours long. A woman just cannot come up to her and ask for his seat just because she wants to sit there. Terrible!

The entire AITA community declared OP NTA for refusing to switch seats with the mom and here’s what they had to say:

8. True that.


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

9. That is a great point.

Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

10. People will never learn to accept a “no”.


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

11. Her husband flew in peace.

Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

12. Why don’t people learn from these recurring mistakes?


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

13. The woman had zero right on that seat.

Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

14. They can think whatever they want, reality won’t change.


Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

15. Really should’ve done that.

Via u/Unlikely-Strategy596

What do you guys say? Would you want to give someone a set that you paid extra to get through a 10-hour-long flight? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more.


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