
19 Hilarious Pictures Of Cats That Show They Are A Breed Of Penguins

Cats are Penguins hiding in plain sight.

To all the cat owners out there, how many times have you seen your cat stand upright and have done “WTF is wrong with this weirdo?”. I am willing to bet this has happened at least once. Well, we have a theory. After deep digging, genetic, and historical analysis, we might have just found the reason why cats like to stand up straight. We have come to a solid conclusion that cats are a breed of penguins. Yes. You read that right.


Okay, here me out. You have to link something to something, Loopholes are there to be filled and that is why I came up with a logic of my own to fill this one. But trust me guys, try to look at it from the perspective I am and the next time your cat stands like these cats that we are about to show you, you are bound to think and believe that your cat is actually a penguin. Now how it happened is a story for another day but we are going to be enjoying some of the instances where cats suddenly turned into penguins and have a nice laugh.

Scroll down below to enjoy some cats being penguins!

1. Look everyone, it is a peng-cat.


2. What more evidence do you need. It is standing upright and it is standing on snow. What you are seeing is a penguin.


3. He looks like a Dad with a tummy enjoying sunlight more than a penguin if I am being honest.


4. They got caught training to be penguins.


5. My parents start shouting “Penguin” at me every time I sit like this. Why?


6. When you’re not part of the gang but the eyes help you slide in.


7. Look at this cute penguin posing with flowers.

8. He believes he is a penguin so you should too.


9. He has forgotten how to behave like a cat.

10. See that wire connected to the cat? That’s how you turn it into a penguin.


This is cat content at its best. Turning cats into penguins just because they stood upright for a few seconds is what we do to enjoy life. We need cats, man. Times are not good and without cats, there would be no time. So, by calling you cats penguins, we are just adoring you. Don’t hate on us, cats. We love you.

Scroll down to continue enjoying some more cat penguins.

11. It’s also the coat on the front that resembles that of a penguin.

12. Cats have found yet another way of entertaining us, and that is by transforming into penguins.


13. By its expressions, it looks like it just transformed into a penguin for the first time.

14. What is it that this person is about to put in their penguin’s ear?


15. A penguin randomly showed up at their house.

16. Cat: Dad, did I do it? Dad being blunt: No, son. You need to lose some weight to join the trend.


17. A rare gray penguin.

18. I like the sensation of being a penguin.


19. A cute penguin posing for a picture.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more cat goodness!


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