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Karen Gets Arrested After Going Off At The Cashier And Slapping The Manager

Karens will never know how to rightfully react to a situation.

Being a cashier is not easy. You have to continuously work and high traffic can really be nerve-wracking because you fear you may miss an entry that will get you in trouble from the company’s side, and you may make an extra entry that will get you trouble from the customer’s side. This job requires patience and a very high saturation point in order to succeed. The reason why I say the cashier, or any service employee in general, should have high patience is that customers don’t have a universal personality. People from all sorts of backgrounds come to shop. Some customers come in only to go all out on you for absolutely no reason. But that doesn’t mean there are instances, quite rare, where polite and amazing customers come in.


However, it is important to know that these bad customers never achieve their purpose and always face the terrible consequences of their actions. In today’s story, a cashier’s patience got tested by an entitled Karen. And the cashier had to face all of this on the fourth day of their work. The cashier got a customer with two huge trollies full of products and it took a lot of time to bill everything. This infuriated the Karen waiting in the que as her entitled ego was being hurt. In order to speed up the billing process, the cashier scanned the items and helped the packing guys pack them as well. Karen felt unhappy about this and started shouting at the cashier for not doing their job. The manager came to face Karen and calm her down but this entitled woman had already achieved her full form and ended up smacking the manager. The result? She got arrested and life continued on.

Scroll down to read how this Karen humiliated herself at a supermarket.

1. A Karen getting arrested? I could read a book on this.


Via u/SimMinnie

2. Unfortunately OP had to face a Karen only on the fourth day after joining.


Via u/SimMinnie

3. Let’s see.


Via u/SimMinnie

4. So when are the customers actually supposed to come when every day is mayhem?


Via u/SimMinnie

5. The event took place when the supermarket was jam-packed.


Via u/SimMinnie

6. OP got a customer who had two big carts filled, with items, up to the brim. He donates everything to a community center. Nice guy.


Via u/SimMinnie

7. The customer said the order will be a “delivery”.

Via u/SimMinnie

8. Delivery means the items are packed and shifted into containers which would then be put in a fridge until the date of delivery.


Via u/SimMinnie

9. Each crate then has to feed into the computer record along with the accurate details to deliver the products on time. A very time taking process.

Via u/SimMinnie

10. OP announced and apologized they have a delivery order to bill so it may take a while.


Via u/SimMinnie

11. OP starts scanning as quickly as possible and the products start piling up so she moves back and forth to help the baggers pack the items and then goes back to scanning. She repeats the process to complete the order as fast as they can.

Via u/SimMinnie

12. Just when OP is performing at 150%, a Karen decides to make an entry into the story.


Via u/SimMinnie

13. Karen complained that the cashier trying to multitask to get the work done quicker was wrong.

Via u/SimMinnie

14. OP missed a golden opportunity there. Maybe next time.


Via u/SimMinnie

15. OP tried to give all sorts of explanations to Karen but as we all know, not one of them was ever going to work.

Via u/SimMinnie

16. And the Karen kept babbling on and on not listening to a word coming out of the other party’s mouth.


Via u/SimMinnie

You have to give it to OP for this one. I mean, I sit here reading this story with you guys and am already so infuriated that I want to punch this Karen so hard that her vocal cords get displaced. Yet, our calm and collected cashier over here has dealt with the situation perfectly so far. The best way to deal with a Karen is to not deal with her at all. The deeper you go into the argument, the more infuriated you get as they expose their entire mentally damaged self.

Let’s see how things move on from here now that OP has tried to explain to her why she is helping the bagger and has also suggested she move to another cashier. Scroll down to continue.

17. Manager Joe senses unrest at OP’s counter and arrives to resolve the matter.

Via u/SimMinnie

18. Karen repeated the same story to Joe. On repeat.


Via u/SimMinnie

19. Joe obviously doesn’t fire OP and tries to provide a rationale to Karen.

Via u/SimMinnie

20. Karen keeps going at Joe and that’s when an old woman enters the scene trying to get Karen’s attention.


Via u/SimMinnie

21. The old lady tells Karen that her daughter had been crying for quite a while now. She was obviously terrified of how her mother was behaving. So disappointing.

Via u/SimMinnie

22. What’s even more disappointing is that Karen blamed the market for her daughter crying.


Via u/SimMinnie

23. Karen crossed all lines and tried to hit Joe.

Via u/SimMinnie

24. The old lady intervened just in time and stopped Karen. Everyone got involved to separate Karen from Joe as the two had the complete intention of killing one another.


Via u/SimMinnie

25. The mall security finally came in and arrested Karen.

Via u/SimMinnie

26. OP finally managed to complete the big order and the customer appreciated her for being the fastest cashier they have ever seen.


Via u/SimMinnie

27. Everyone in the line appreciated OP for her amazing patience.

Via u/SimMinnie

28. OP finally took a break from work and shared what had just happened, with her coworkers, in the back room.


Via u/SimMinnie

29. Hopefully Karen learned a message that day and I also hope the child is in safe hands.

Via u/SimMinnie

30. As far as first Karen experiences go, OP dealt with it swiftly.


Via u/SimMinnie

31. The story was so interesting, I was glued and I am sure you guys were too.

Via u/SimMinnie

I really hope you guys enjoyed this story. Please do share your thoughts in the comments section down below and please don’t hold back when you talk about Karen.

Stay tuned for more stories.


Via mugglequeen

Dog tax.

This is a foster dog who had never spent a second of his life indoors. That ended the day this picture was taken of him in a house for the first time, sleeping on a bed for the first time.


What do you think?