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Woman Doesn’t Want Her Boyfriend To Spend Time With His Late-Wife’s Parents, Gets Grilled

A loved one passing away is hard for everyone.

Anyone who has dealt with the loss of a loved one knows that it can stop you in your tracks while life still goes on. There really isn’t an expiration date on grief and everyone deals with it differently. Some people like to remember all the times with that person while others like to delete all the images and move on as soon as possible. But parents don’t really have the luxury to choose when it comes to their kids.


After all, even if it may hurt to spend time with their late-partners family, they have to do it for their kid. After all, the child deserves to know their family. However, this can also cause problems with new relationships. I mean, all partners want to feel special and that might not be the case when you are always at your late wife’s parents’ house. That is exactly what today’s story is about. And people had a lot to say about this particular situation.

You can form your own opinion about this story by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

We start off this story with some information about their relationship.


She feels like their relationship is great and it is heading in a good direction.


However, she does feel like they have a few problems and that has to do with his family.


He even asks her to go there with him but she always refuses.


So she told him not to go there as much and he was unsurprisingly not happy about that.


I understand that she is feeling insecure but this isn’t the way. Is not hearing herself? She wants her boyfriend of five months to not see his late wife’s family as much. Does she really think that is an okay thing to ask? I mean the kid needs to meet his family. And he was with his wife for 10 years so she should definitely respect that. She needs to understand that it is his family and she either needs to accept it or leave him. Because this doesn’t sound healthy for either of them.

People were not on her side at all which is to be expected.


But she was quick to defend herself in the comments.

The family wants to see their kid and that is perfectly reasonable.


She doesn’t want the kid to see the family any less.

But she wants her boyfriend to not spend as much time with them.


She kept trying to explain her thought process.


People also had a few questions for her regarding this.

She feels like they are in a  good relationship and wants to move forward.


Most people agreed that she was in the wrong.

But she clearly does not feel like that.


Kitty tax is severely needed after all that.


This is what every cat owner sees when they start working.

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think she is asking for too much? Or do you think she is just feeling insecure? What would you do in this situation? Comment down below and let us know your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in with their opinion as well.


What do you think?