Pets like cats and dogs thrive when things stay the same. Changes can stress them out and make them sick. It is the core responsibility of pet owners to help them adjust. But sometimes, old pets may struggle to adapt and could get sick.
Reddit user Sparkys_Human has a 14-year-old cat named Sparky who dislikes dogs. But OP’s girlfriend really wanted one. They recently moved to the countryside, where there was plenty of space for a dog to play. OP didn’t mind his girlfriend getting a dog, but he conditioned her to wait until Sparky crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
He believed Sparky deserved to enjoy his last years in peace. Living with a new puppy would stress him out. However, his girlfriend thought Sparky and the puppy would become best friends quickly.
Scroll down below to read how it all went down!
Source: Sparkys_Human
Meet OP’s elderly cat, Sparky!
Source: Sparkys_Human
1. Let’s find out!
2. OP’s girlfriend of three years wanted a new dog but he refused to get one until his elderly cat passed away.
3. OP’s cat, Sparky, is 14 and hates dogs. He is certain that the introduction of a dog into the family would ruin his final years.
4. The girlfriend didn’t like this even though the two had previously agreed on this arrangement.
5. OP’s friends and family called him an AH for not letting her adopt a dog. The matter was taken to the courts of the AITA community.
Source: Sparkys_Human
Here’s what the AITA community had to say about this:
6. Let the old man enjoy his spotlight.
Via yachtiewannabe
7. It is kind of good that OP remained firm on his stance right from the beginning. Out of many reasons, this is also why I think he was NTA.
8. And in this case, OP had the veto power.
Via mikey_weasel
9. True. A little bit of waiting won’t hurt anyone. In fact, it may work out in everyone’s favor.
10. You have to do what is best for your pet, not what is best for someone else’s pet.
Via Thia-M
NTA. OP knows his cat the best. The final years for any pet animal are very critical for both the animal and its owner. Peace is what both parties want ultimately. And the inclusion of a dog in the family at such a time may not allow the cat to thoroughly enjoy its peace.
The girlfriend should wait.
Source: Sparkys_Human
11. No argument here to begin with. This was pre-discussed.
Via goldennotebook
12. Nobody is an AH here. There was only a factor of patience missing from the girlfriend’s side.
Via malkie0609
13. It would really ruin the “olden” years for the cat.
Via holdurfeet
14. Things don’t always play out the way you want them to.
Via likeahike
15. While I support OP as well, this is a thoughtfully raised point. The cat may live on for the next 10 years or even more. Who knows? It would be really unfair to the girlfriend in that case.
16. Don’t make Sparky’s last years miserable.
Via neverjuliet
17. There are two statements in this comment and both are heavily contradicting each other. If the cat really does turn out to be immortal, the girlfriend’s wish of getting a dog would never be fulfilled.
Via caliph4
18. The cat may be defensive and frightened in her last years.
19. Man, this really is a tough situation all around.
Via LAKingsofMetal
20. I think it would be fair to say that the majority favored OP’s decision in this situation.
Via lainmelle
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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Via ezisicnotca
Cat tax.
“An emergency happened, the belly grew.”
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