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23 Hilarious Tweets Posted By Teachers That Prove Their Life Is Full Of Chaos

23 Hilarious Tweets Posted By Teachers That You Would Definitely Relate To

Some teachers are not just experts in their field but they are also experts in humor.

What can be better than a teacher with humor? As far as I can remember my time in school, I used to love the teachers who used to crack jokes and be funny with their students. Students learn more from such teachers. Well, students are no less. Some students leave teachers in shock with their humor. Teaching is a tough job and the toughest part is handling a class full of naughty students who are always ready to ask a thousand questions. They would blame you for the fart in class, they would complement your hair in the most hilarious way and would improve your vocabulary sometimes. Such students make this ride easier for the teachers. Today, we have compiled 23 hilarious tweets that were posted by teachers. Scroll down if you want to enjoy these tweets.


1. What will you do when students would ask to get their homework back?


2. What a hilarious reason to get fired from your job!


3. When you are the teacher and a class of third-grade students accuses you of farting in the class:


4. What keeps the students motivated:


5. When your students start teaching you:


6. Some typo mistakes should never be corrected:


7. What a great feeling when all your students wear deodorant:

8. When your student eats the whole glue stick:


9. When you miss being a teacher:

10. What teaching is all about:


11. Why do not we have teacher dating apps where only teachers can date teachers?

Being a teacher is not easy. You spend your night checking loads of homework and marking papers. Would not it be fun if you are spending the whole night checking papers with your partner because he/she is also a teacher? Amazing idea, right? To all the teachers, find yourself a partner who would also be a teacher so you two can understand each other better and support each other in your career.

12. When your student does not understand the question:


13. That’s how you train the unruly 5th-grade class:

14. Who says kids cannot write full essays?


15. The under-appreciated photography genre:

16. When kids add new words to your dictionary:


17. When the text is sent and it is too late to realize that you have crossed the line:

Now you know why I stay up all night?

18. Why are kindergarteners so dramatic?


19. When you are a math teacher and you crack a joke but no one laughs at it because no one understands the joke:

20. When you implement a “no cell phone” policy in the school:


21. When your student would not let you feel completely happy:

22. Should I show you the list of why your kid is failing the class?


23. There should always be a safe place for crying in every classroom:

Did you enjoy these memes made by teachers? Which of these memes are your favorite? Let us know in the comment section down below!

Enjoy today’s dog tax:


Via: u/delphiniumblu

“my dog is so cute i think everyone should get to see her”


What do you think?