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Manager Asks Employees To Eat Lunch On Their Desk In Case CEO Comes For Inspection

Nothing demonstrates a commitment to your career like timidly having lunch at your desk while anxiously monitoring the door to see if your overlords have decided to visit you today.


Let’s face it, this manager seems to be a little out of their element. They’re the type of person who could only have achieved power by applying their precise understanding of which (two) cheeks to kiss on a regular basis and with enthusiasm. This email proves there is a natural, physical embodiment of the Peter Principle, who perhaps shouldn’t be given power over others. Despite the CEO’s lack of a response that would have justified this email’s authorship, they expressed their embarrassment over the circumstance in the email. The CEO presumably felt self-conscious about arriving at that hour and left. Donald, you must quit falling into the trees when everyone is out to lunch because you’ve done it once more.

Reddit user u/Flaky Box 7482, one of the employees who received the email, posted screenshots of it on the r/antiwork subreddit. In the comments, readers made fun of the email’s author while expressing their displeasure and concern over the requests. Below is the story by OP in her own words. Don’t forget to read the comments of the Redditors at the end of the post. Scroll down to have a good time. View more stories from our webiste for comparable information.

1. This is about that Monday meeting

2. Here is the email that OP got


Via u/Flaky_Box_7482

3. P here is telling how the manager sent this email


Via u/Flaky_Box_7482

Now that you have read the story. it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say on this. It is obvious that the manager had no reason to send such an email. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

4. This seems like a sound idea


Via u/Flaky_Box_7482

5. The boss is really a moron


Via u/Flaky_Box_7482

6. Good insight


Via u/Flaky_Box_7482

7. Cool advice from the redditors


Via u/Flaky_Box_7482

8. A story that is similar to this one


Via u/Flaky_Box_7482

9. I agree with all of this


Via u/Flaky_Box_7482

What is your take on the story? Do you agree with the behavior that OP showed? What would you do if you were in her situation? I think that the boss is truly at fault here. Do share your opinion with us. If you want to read more such articles on our website, keep visiting us!

Here’s a dog tax



When you are a puppy, you have every right to be cute. This one knows how to act like one.

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