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Pregnant First-Time Mom Refuses To Let Sister-in-law’s Baby Use Her Child’s Crib, Family Drama Ensues

Pregnant First-Time Mom Refuses To Let Sister-in-law's Baby Use Her Child's Crib, Family Drama Ensues

Parents should cooperate with other parents in case someone needs help with something.

We should all be considerate and understand other’s situations. Saying this might be easy but applying it in real life might not be easy. A first-time mom took to Reddit to share this incident that happened between her and her SIL. OP was pregnant with her first baby. They already bought a lot of things for their baby e.g., the stroller and the crib. OP’s sister-in-law visited them with her two-months-old child. The kid was tired and had to take a nap. Sister-in-law asked OP if she can put her baby in their child’s crib. OP refused because she wanted to see her baby using the crib for the first time. SIL didn’t like it and left immediately. OP’s MIL texted OP’s husband and called her selfish and spoiled. Scroll down to read the complete story.


1. OP and her husband are expecting their first child. They have already prepared the bed, the stroller and all the other stuff for their baby.


Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

2. OP’s SIL visited them yesterday with her 2-months-old baby. SIL’s baby had to take a nap and she asked them to use their baby’s crib.


Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

3. OP was not comfortable with anyone using her baby’s stuff so she told SIL “no”. SIL left immediately.


Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

4. OP’s MIL thinks that OP is TAH, selfish and spoiled.


Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

5. OP thinks that she can be TAH for not letting her SIL use the crib.


Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

6. OP is a first-time mom and she wanted to see her baby first time sleeping in the crib.


Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

7. Putting a baby in a car seat or a blanket on the floor is not considered safe sleep:

Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

Being a mother for the first time makes you sensitive and you tend to feel little things. You tend to overreact and at the same time, you feel excited and want to have an amazing experience. Some people think that OP overreacted and was inconsiderate but at the same time, SIL acted inconsiderate too about OP’s feelings. She should have considered OP’s position. Scroll down to read the comments on this Reddit post.

8. OP is acting irrational maybe because of the hormones.


Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

9. Why can’t some people share things with others?

Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

10. When OP would visit other people after her baby is born, she will get the same treatment.


Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

11. Babies should sleep in safe places like cribs, not in a place where they are not safe.

Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

12. OP should have been considerate of other’s feelings.


Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

13. We all should support and help each other as parents.

Via: u/Rare_Subject_5950

We have got mixed reactions from people on this post. What do you think is TAH here? OP or SIL? Let us know in the comment section down below!

Enjoy today’s wholesome dog tax:


Via: u/OpalOnyxObsidian

“to say I am obsessed with my dog is an understatement. I mean, look at him.”


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