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30 Choosing Beggar Parents Who Got Caught Showing Their True Colors

Please welcome to the category of choosing beggars: Parents!

I am sure you guys are well aware of choosing beggars but if you have been living under a rock or don’t have access to Reddit for some reason, people who demand way beyond their capacity just because they think they can are categorized as choosing beggars. They choose this lifestyle of begging because why not. And yes they get slammed hard for it because no one in this community likes such people.


This concept of choosing beggars developed from that of “social media influencers”. They still exist but now we have a broader term that encompasses all sorts of beggars.

Well one category of people that are famously known for stopping too low to get something, ideally for free, are parents. They are as bad as others choosing beggars, which means we just got ourselves great content to enjoy, and some parents to laugh at.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. From $310 to $90? Someone’s Christmas is for sure getting ruined.


Via mcalel_

2. This parent made a counteroffer of $800 and some jewelry that she herself makes, for an iMac that the seller was selling for $1200.


Via Vindictive_Barista

3. Her son wanted a shirt for 2 years that only came out a month ago.


Via Rylanbrit10

4. This mother wanted the services of her daughter’s school nurse.


Via tb1649

5. Who told her being a single mom automatically entitles her to huge discounts?


Via IronWurmple

6. This one got a proper butt beating.


Via joeyeatsfridays

7. Blamed the zoo for an elephant’s erection.

Via targetsbots

8. This woman got exactly what she asked for and suddenly she wanted more. Classic choosing beggar.


Via neversaynoto-panda

9. Somebody made their choosing beggar mom mad.

Via VoschNickson

10. Did this parent really ask their son’s teacher to provide free food to the kid?


Via lightgeschwindigkeit

11. We only deal in pizzas, sorry.

Via megoon-

12. Such a beautifully written note to get a free ride.


Via firststone27

13. Over vaccinate? What even is she on about?

Via Ross1648

14. From “hi you are selling” to “give it to me for me” this deal ended before it could even start.


Via putanginamo22

15. And would you like some earbuds with that?

Via Former_Coffee

This is the level of confidence I want to acquire and apply in my life but I don’t want to use it like this. This is so bad. I would feel so embarrassed behaving like this, how are these parents doing it so effortlessly? Imagine if one day their children get to know about this, they would feel so terrible to know that their parents had been begging in front of others to get some freebies. I won’t like it if none of my perks were hard-earned by my parents.

A very important thing to know here is that the parents’ acts shown in this post do not represent all parents in general. This is a segment of parents that we are talking about today. We cannot say that all parents are choosing beggars because I personally know so many who are the sweetest, most entertaining, and super hardworking to provide the best life for their children.

Time to enjoy some more posts of parents caught being choosing beggars. Scroll down to continue!

16. “Homeless single mom looking for love, must make good money though and have your own place!”


Via Own_Addition_6398

17. “Selling an $800 drone with accessories for $400 to get a little Christmas money. Then this parent of the year shows up.”

Via schmoogina

18. “This lady in my local mom group wanting a room painted in exchange for advertising on said mom’s group page.”



19. “Parents using their child as a scapegoat to get a lizard they can’t afford.”

Via BvbblegvmBitch

20. “Wow this dude trying to use the single-parent card.”


Via weston20

21. I can’t even remember how many times I have seen parents using their children’s birthdays for freebies, in this one post.

Via QuesoDino

22. I have a kid so I am automatically entitled to a discount.


Via TheDoctorGomez

23. How do they decide, on their own, what they will be paying?

Via Clay3476

24. My guy literally used his “dad bod” for a discount.


Via TheRealZeeborg

25. Aren’t you already happy with the tax-free clothes for your child, single mom? Oh, sorry. Choosing beggars will never be happy with anything.

Via arsenicbutterfly

26. Has this father gone mad?


Via RSK29

27. “Insane mom wants to leave her kid with a stranger for a week for $200.”

Via backl_ash

28. Never satisfied.


Via drolrats

29. “Ah, but you get to hang with my kids, and hey, maybe earn something extra!!”

Via OkieTrue

30. “My boyfriend bought my mom a diet coke, this is what my dad had to say.”


Via urimisu

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more!


Cat tax.

“The black cat is a neighborhood cat we’ve been feeding, and it brought a friend this morning”


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