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20 Celebrities Who Spent A Lot Of Money On Plastic Surgeries

People are allowed to change their appearance.

After all, we all do it. We may not all go under the knife to change our bodies but we do make permanent modifications to our bodies all the time. Other than the temporary changes like changing the hair colour, or removing hair, there are also more permanent procedures like piercings and tattoos that more or less accomplish the same thing. I am not saying that these are the same as plastic surgeries as they do carry less risk but all I am saying is we all like to tweak our appearance in a way that we prefer.


Celebrities on the other hand just take it a bit further because they have a lot more money to spend and some have made their identity directly related to plastic surgery. No hate towards the Kardashian clan but when you think of plastic surgery, that is the first name that comes to mind. However, they’re not the only ones who have gone under the knife, there are a lot more celebrities that have changed their appearance whether we know it or not.

So today we will be estimating how much these celebrities have spent on their plastic surgeries. This is not confirmed as some of these celebrities haven’t come out saying that they have gotten these procedures but plastic surgeons can tell pretty easily so here we are.

#1 Heidi Montag.


She has spent over $1,000,000 when it comes to plastic surgeries and has apparently gone under the knife over 10 times in only one day.

#2 Kylie Jenner.


Most people already knew that this was coming. And while she hasn’t come clean about her plastic surgeries other than lip fillers, it is assumed that she has spent over $2,000,000.

#3 Jocelyn Wildenstein.


She doesn’t even look like the same person and she has spent close to $7,000,000 on plastic surgeries and at the age of 81, she has no plans to stop.

#4 Michael Jackson.


We all know about Michael Jackson and while he was never clear about what he got to change his looks. He did apparently spend more than $1,000,000 on his looks.

#5 Demi Moore.


Demi Moore says that she hasn’t had any surgery which affects her face but Doctors presume that she has had cheek fillers and botox and which would be close to $400,000 when it comes to monetary value.

#6 Sharon Osbourne.


Sharon has apparently spent more than $200,000 on cosmetic procedures and it was all done in one day.

#7 Dolly Parton.

Dolly Partan doesn’t shy away from telling about her plastic surgeries and she has presumably spent more than $2 million when it comes to her looks.

#8 Caitlyn Jenner.


We all know about the journey Caitlyn has been on and she has gone through multiple surgeries to get to where she is now. She has apparently spent more than $5 million on her face and body.

#9 Kris Jenner.

It wouldn’t be a list of plastic surgeries without the Jenner/Kardashian clan on the list. And Kris Jenner is no exception. She has reportedly spent over $1 million.

#10 Cher.


Cher has been mostly open about her surgeries and has apparently spent close to 750,000.

#11 Kourtney Kardashian.

Kourtney says that she hasn’t gone through a lot of plastic surgeries so we only know that she might have spent close to $25,000.

#12 Pete Burns.


Pete Burns is known for his androgynous look and that is because of several fillers and botox procedures which have costed close to $38,000.

#13 Courtney Love.

Courtney Love went through a facelift when she was 35 but it went horribly wrong. But she managed to get it fixed with a nose job which cost her close to $9,800.

#14 Kim Kardashian.


All we can do is assume when we talk about Kim because she always talks about how she is mostly natural. So we can only say that she has spent close to $100,000 on her looks.

#15 Mickey Burke.

It is rumoured that he has had over six facelifts in his life. So he has spent close to $36,000 on plastic surgeries.

#16 Pamela Anderson.


Pamela Anderson got a breast augmentation after she was chosen as playmate of the year in 1990 and it might have cost her close to $10,500.

#17 Denise Richards.

Denise Richards has admitted to having a breast augmentation but nothing else. And that cost her close to $13,000.

#18 Donatella Versace.


Donatella has spent over $25,000 to transform herself into human waxwork.

#19 Amanda Bynes.

Amanda Bynes recently revealed that she has had a nose job and also eye surgery which has overall cost her more than $18,000.

#20 Holly Madison.


Holly is rumoured to have gotten a facelift and that might have cost her close to $32,000.

#21 Jennifer Aniston.

Jennifer has gone through two nose jobs. The second was done to correct the deviated septum she got from the first one. And it most likely cost her close to $30,500.

#22 Joan Rivers.


Joan has gone through a few procedures like breast reduction, a facelift and a tummy tuck. She also gets dermal fillers regularly. So she has spent close to $100,000.

#23 Kathy Griffin.

Kathy regrets some of her plastic surgeries, prominently her liposuction. But she has also gone under the knife multiple times and this has cost her more than $30,000.

#24 NeNe Leakes.


Nene has had a few plastic surgeries like a nose job, a breast lift and liposuction which overall cost her $20,500.

What are your thoughts on these celebrities? Do you think they looked better before they got the procedure or do you just not care what they do to their own body? Would you ever go through a procedure like this? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share these images with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.


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