
Girl Bought AncestryDNA Kit And Almost Ruined Christmas For Everyone

Christmas usually calls for celebrations and family time.

Christmas brings us all together. If you have siblings living far across the country or haven’t seen your parent that works in another city or country, they will all come home for Christmas holidays. That is the beauty of it. Even if you don’t really get along with your family, you suck it up and act nice just for the sake of Christmas.


One of the joys of Christmas is giving gifts to your loved ones. Seeing the bright smiles of your friends and family when they open their presents is an unmatchable sight and if you get to witness that every Christmas, you are a very lucky person. Cherish your family while they are still around. One innocent soul on Reddit thought it would be a good idea to get AncestryDNA kits as presents for her family. And well, things took an unexpected turn. Read the whole story down below:

The story starts in the “Today I F**ked Up” section of a girl getting AncestryDNA kits for her entire family.


However, when her mother found out about the kits, she reacted frantically.


So, now their parents are fighting about who the actual dad is.


The spirit of this family is something I’ve never seen before.


But wait, there’s more! Things took an unexpected turn!


This must have been disappointing for some trolls on the Internet.


Wow. This story definitely took a lot of turns. Did you even expect that? Well, what matters is that the siblings accept and love each other regardless of who their real father is. That is the true bond of family. You love each other unconditionally and have each other’s back through thick and thin.

This is what other Redditors had to say about the Christmas story:

Some shared their own experiences.



Working in AncestryDNA, you must see a lot of drama.

Best case, worst case, and worster case.


“Guess the bastard” is a fun game.


Have you ever had a “Today I F**ked Up” moment on Christmas? Share your stories with us in the comments below.


What do you think?