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Daughter Refused To Come Home For Christmas After Being Disappointed With Family, Asks If She Did The Right Thing

Caught in a web of embarrassment and betrayal, Reddit user FrameClear4317 summoned the courage to confront her mother. The plea was simple: delete the chat or let her be a part of it. However, the response she encountered was a dismissive denial, a refusal to acknowledge the concrete evidence in OP’s possession.

This breach of trust cut deep, leaving OP wounded and grappling with a difficult choice. In the face of the hurt and embarrassment, she made a bold decision—to forego Christmas at home and reject the role of caretaker during her mother’s imminent surgery. The pain proved too burdensome, propelling her to prioritize her own needs and emotions.

This tale unfolds with raw emotions, as OP navigates the intricate dynamics of family ties, making choices that redefine her own sense of self. Join her journey as she takes a courageous stand, challenging the conventional expectations of familial obligations, and embarks on a quest for personal healing and growth.

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Source: FrameClear4317

1. If that is exactly what happened what OP has mentioned in the title, I already feel so disgusted with her family.


2. OP going to college was pretty much the first time she would experience social life because she had been home-schooled all her life before that.


3. She was excited about this new experience but her parents were so not in favor of her going to college because they assumed people only go there to sleep and drink.


4. Everytime OP would call them and they would start convincing her to return home so she reduced her overall communication with them because that was not what she wanted.


5. Ever since she went to college, her parents were sure their daughter would get out of hand. However, OP shares that this was never the case before when she would go for a sleepover with friends or hang out with guy friends.


6. Her family had been placed a bet that OP was bound to become a sl*t by the end of her academic journey. She got to know this from her sister.


7. The thought of her whole family believing she would delve into the wrong made OP feel really embarrassed.

8. To the family, this was nothing but a joke but the passive-aggressive nature of the whole scenario made OP feel bad.


9. The family didn’t know OP was aware of this bet but she knew about it. The only issue was she didn’t know how to bring the topic up as they would know how she got this information and that would get her sister in trouble.

10. But she finally did it. OP texted her mother and asked her to delete the chat regarding the bet or at least include her in it so it could all happen in front of her.


11. The mother tried to deny they were talking about her.

This is so bad. In no way should OP sit back and let this all happen. She must retaliate, and come up with a response that would make them regret all their decisions. I am so shocked that her parents are part of this, or should I say initiated this. Calling your daughter a “sl*t” is something not even my subconscious can incorporate.

Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: FrameClear4317

12. OP finally retaliated by telling her Mom she won’t be joining the family for Christmas and she won’t come to look after her post her surgery either.


13. Christmas is OP’s mom’s favorite holiday so this news was bound to hit her.

14. OP asked the AITA community if this decision of hers made her an AH or not.


Source: FrameClear4317

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

15. They have already decided you are going to become a wh*re so why not feed into their imaginations.

Via LuinAelin

16. And the fact that her parents started it all makes me want to puke on them.


Via valerian_spiel

17. They probably wanted OP to stay at home and aid them instead of going out in the world and progress.

Via Dull-Community

18. Stay where you are…do not return home…ever.


Via TricksterTrio

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via u/Maryholz

Cat tax.

“Madeline prefers to watch the snow from the bed.”


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