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Manager Shouts At Employee And Wants Them To Follow “Customer Is Always Right”, Gets Fired

It can be quite daunting to work in a food service job. You are responsible for interacting with hangry or entitled customers, listening to complaints, and handling odd orders. However, all of that is nothing when compared to what it is like to have a toxic manager sitting over your shoulder constantly.


Recently, a story that was shared by a former employee of a food service company was shared on the Malicious Compliance subreddit and caught everyone’s attention. The author wrote, “This job was absolutely horrible, as I was regularly written up for everything and anything I did during my employment.”. It was after one particular incident, however, that the tension reached a boiling point. The supervisor yelled at his employee in front of the client about the company’s strict policy of charging customers for add-ons, announcing that “the customer is always right” despite the policy of charging customers for add-ons. Keep on scrolling down to read the full story and we will see you at the end of the article.

1. This is a 9-year-old story keep on scrolling down to read the full story


2. Why would anyone deny the request for a day off in such a situation


3. We don’t get it why do people not want to pay for add-ons?


4. Well OP was just doing his job


5. OP thought that Bob got his back


6. Uh-oh so Bob did not have OP’s back


7. From that moment on OP stopped charging customers who complained about having to pay for an add-on

8. Bob didn’t specify and OP didn’t want to be written up for it again


9. company was losing an average of 2-3 dollars per transaction lmao

10. Well at least Ann is nice enough to the employees


11. Why would anyone do that?

12. That was actually very nice of Ann to talk to OP directly instead of just firing him


13. Ann took OP’s side and said that Bob’s behavior was unprofessional

14. HR was his guardian angel cute


15. Shortly after OP stopped working there OP was informed by his friends that Bob no longer worked there as well

16. So Bob was fired


17. OP did what he was told to do it was not his fault

18. This Redditor is confused he does not know what “write-ups” mean


19. OP tells that he gave out free orders to customers when they specifically complained about the order

20. Companies only care when their profits are impacted


21. Is getting written up a normal thing?

22. Well for sure Bob wasn’t


23. This is a classic power move for real

24. “He was dishing out”


25. Couldn’t agree more

26. As they should


27. This Redditor loves stories like this

28. This Redditor shares his experience of working in food service


29. They must have good internal controls for real though

30. Here’s another experience of another Redditor


31. Is this a failure on her part?

32. Should he be punished?


33. Bobby you made a mistake

This was it, folks, this was the story we think that OP did nothing wrong it was Bob who messed everything up and he got what he deserved. Let us know what you think about it down below in the comment section and make sure to like and share this article with your friends and family and stay tuned for more content like this with Defused. Thank You!


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