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Rude Customer Refuses To Pay The Mechanic For Unlocking His Car, He Locks It Again

This article, posted on the “Tales from Retail” subreddit, shares a story of a customer who was rude to a cashier at a retail store and refused to pay for their items. The story highlights the fact that, in such situations, the store has the right to take legal action against the customer.


The author of the post recounts an incident in which a customer became irate and rude towards a cashier when their card was declined at the checkout. The customer ultimately refused to pay for their items and walked out of the store. The author explains that, in such cases, the store has the right to pursue legal action against the customer for theft. The author goes on to share that, in this particular incident, the store manager was able to track down the customer’s contact information and request that they return to the store to pay for the items. The customer ultimately did return and pay for the items, but only after being informed of the potential legal consequences of their actions.

OP was on his duty one day when a frantic-looking customer came in who he told to wait.


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The customer complains OP is late and asks him to unlock his car.


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OP gets the necessary information from the customer and goes to his car which is parked at a distance.


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He tells OP that he can’t be contacted anywhere as the phones are in the car.


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The customer gets annoyed because OP is taking time to lock the doors as it’s closing time.


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There’s nothing like kids or dogs in the car as expected by OP.


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He asks OP to not mess up with his classic car and later gets startled when OP tells him the bill.

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OP tells me upon asking that he has to pay for this as it was out of the location service.


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The customer was insulting in the whole scenario.

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OP shuts the car close again and goes away to let him open it by himself but later gets called and yelled at when he tells him two service calls will be charged.


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Never heard back from the guy as he better learn this lesson.

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Now that you have read the story. it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say on this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

Seems like OP didn’t disappoint people and they are on his side.


Who would have not been upset?

How many of you would have loved this?


It really isn’t about the time but the skills. What do you all say?

The guy really needed a reality check and OP surely gave him one.


That’s the logic here by OP himself.

This story is actually malicious compliance.


This article serves as a reminder that, while retail workers are expected to provide excellent customer service, they are also protected by laws that allow them to take action against customers who act inappropriately or engage in theft. The author emphasizes that customers should treat retail workers with respect and pay for the items they intend to purchase, or face the potential legal consequences.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting defused.


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