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Pregnant Woman Seeks Shelter At A Relative’s Home, Her Kid Breaks The TV, Gets Kicked Out

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold! Oh yes I fucking can!

Hospitality, the cornerstone of social interactions, can often be tested in unexpected ways.

A seemingly ordinary evening turned into a tumultuous encounter for one individual who found herself at the crossroads of generosity and confrontation. This story revolves around OP, a young woman enjoying a night of leisure in her empty home while her parents were away. The scene was set: a quiet living room, video games, and relaxation. However, the tranquility was disrupted when an acquaintance, heavily pregnant and accompanied by her child, knocked on OP’s door at 3am. What should have been a simple request for shelter turned into a series of escalating conflicts.


Initially welcoming the duo into her home, OP offered refreshments, but a situation emerged when the child attempted to play her video game. A refusal from OP led to an explosive tantrum, culminating in the child hurling the controller at the TV, shattering the screen. What followed was a heated exchange between OP and the acquaintance, with accusations and insults exchanged. Scroll down for the complete story.

The title:

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can



OP recounts being alone at home playing video games at 3am while her parents are away when she is unexpectedly visited by a pregnant family acquaintance whose car broke down, seeking a place to stay for the night with her child.

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can



OP welcomes the family acquaintance and her child into her home, offers refreshments, and agrees to make coffee. However, OP notices the child trying to take her video game controller and politely asks him to stop.

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can



OP declines the child’s request to play a game due to ongoing activity and the game’s complexity. The child persists, and when OP refuses, they throw the controller at the TV, causing it to shatter.

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can



OP confronts the family acquaintance about the TV damage caused by her child, and the acquaintance defends the child’s actions. The acquaintance threatens to inform OP’s mother and criticizes OP’s potential parenting skills.

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can



OP proposes that the family acquaintance reimburse them for the broken TV but the acquaintance blames OP for the incident. OP responds by demanding the acquaintance and her child leave their house:

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can



OP forcefully insists that the family acquaintance leaves and threatens to involve the police. The acquaintance leaves with her child with a warning to inform OP’s mother:

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can


OP’s decision to stand up for their property by asking the family acquaintance to leave was driven by a need to assert boundaries and protect their belongings. The lady’s entitled attitude, exemplified by her child’s demand for McDonald’s in the early hours and her refusal to accept responsibility for the damage caused, likely fueled OP’s frustration. The insistence on disregarding OP’s space and property rights exhibited a lack of consideration, prompting OP to take a strong stance in safeguarding what was rightfully hers.

The following morning, OP contacted her parents and recounted the incident, who were supportive due to her upbringing. Her mother reprimanded the acquaintance for her behavior and threatened small claims court if payment wasn’t made. You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can


This was the reason why the lady was out at 3 am:

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can


The lady doesn’t have her kid under control:

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can



That’s the most important question:

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can


Edit made the story spicier:

You can't just throw out a stranded pregnant mother and her toddler at 3am in the cold Oh yes I fucking can



We all find ourselves navigating moments where our generosity might be taken for granted, and our limits tested. Have you ever faced a similar situation? What would you have done in OP’s shoes? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

The cat tax:


“Should I quit my job or what?”


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