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Wife Explains That If She Ever Divorces Her Husband It Would Be Because Of Her Mother-In-Law

Nobody ever gets along with their in-laws.

I am well aware that this is a dramatisation and not always true, but you have to admit that there are many stories where people despise their in-laws. I’m not saying that everyone is like that, and I’m sure there are sane in-laws who don’t stick their nose where it doesn’t belong, but it’s not as common as I’d hope. Most of the time, they are only tolerable if you do not live with them. And if you do end up living with them, a lot of things that you hoped would stay hidden can come to the surface. These relationships can deteriorate even further if the in-laws are entitled.


I’m sure we’ve all seen the signs of toxic parenting, and it doesn’t usually end when the child marries. From then on, it simply changes and includes the child’s partner as well. Most of the time, the child is brainwashed into believing that their parent’s behaviour is acceptable, so they never have their partner’s back. I’d like to say that this isn’t common, but I see it far too frequently for that to be true. In this story, the mother-in-law isn’t much better. She is not only entitled, but she also appears to be extremely narcissistic. As is understandable, the poster of this story is tired of dealing with this woman but is at a loss for what to do. You may be asking, Why doesn’t she just stop talking to her?

You can find out for yourself by scrolling down below.

Source: Reddit

The title may sound dramatic but it is quite realistic.


From the get-go, we can tell that the mother-in-law has been a thorn in OP’s and her husband’s side.


That is why OP listed just some of the things that explain how toxic the woman actually is.


Source: Reddit

Are we sure this is a grown adult and not a teenage brat?


It is clear that she wants her son under her thumb and doesn’t like it that he is acting like an adult.


That is why she has resorted to such petty insults.


Source: Reddit

While OP adores her husband, she does realize that his mother will be the end of their relationship if nothing changes.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some people started hating on the husband for not standing up for himself and his wife, but it’s not as simple as it appears. People who have been raised by narcissists become so accustomed to it that they feel guilty if they avoid contact with their parents. After all, the goal is to ensure that your child is completely dependent on you and will never leave you. And I’m pretty sure he knows this about himself, but just knowing this doesn’t mean his emotions will be as easily controlled. I can only hope that he receives the necessary therapy because it appears that he has some issues he needs to sort out.

People in the comments had great advice for her.


And while an ultimatum may be a last resort, he needs help.

Source: Reddit

This person explained it perfectly.


He needs to put in the effort to start changing his mindset.

Some people also recommend her another subreddit where she may get even better advice.


Source: Reddit

This is a very good question and the future does not look great.

I understand that he is saying this but will he follow through?


This is the perfect comment to end it on and now everything is in her hands.

Source: Reddit

What are your feelings about this mother-in-law? Are your in-laws like this, or are they one of the rare exceptions who are actually nice? Comment below to let us know, and remember to share this story with others so they can come in with their experiences as well.


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