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30 Socially Awkward Cats Reacting Hilariously To “Hugs”

Cats Hate Hugs

Cats, the enigmatic masters of unpredictability! Ever experienced the love-demanding gaze of a cat, only to be met with an abrupt disinterest once you shower them with affection? That’s the feline paradox for you!


In classic cat style, these elusive creatures exhibit their quirky behavior with a touch of humor. Occasionally, a cat may unveil a profound love, but more often than not, they prefer to dismiss you, leaving you feeling like the overly attached pursuer.

Even though we’re well-acquainted with the capricious nature of cats, the rejection stings every time. The hope lingers, though, as there’s always that chance our feline companions will reciprocate our affection, and those moments become the highlight of our cat-parenting journey.

A lot of cat owners have captured on camera these comical instances where their cats brilliantly snubbed their cuddles, and the result is nothing short of uproarious entertainment. Get ready to chuckle as we explore the hilarious world of feline rejection!

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Cuddles to not exist in this cat’s dictionary.


Via blakkathecat

2. The cat is loving this selfie moment…not.


Via jamespucos

3. Never thought you would have to go this big a struggle just to take a selfie.


4. The ultimate rejection.


Via halfwaysian

5. “My girlfriend and our cat, the feeling is mutual.”


Via JordanDryce

6. “Dad tried to give me attention. I wasn’t in the mood, clearly.”


Via lokitheneko

7. “I am not happy with this head massage.”

Via catslave_diary

8. I know you are planning to hug me…don’t even think about it.


Via chatoule_et_chatons

9. “Mistle-No”

Via eab0036

10. “Someone please save me from this clingy woman.”


11. “I tried to make my boyfriend take a cat beard picture. This was the result.”

Via heatherlcondo

12. This is how cats tell you they love you.


Via hanahliah

13. Valentine’s Day hug rejection!

Via clivetheskinfant

14. Okay mom, this is enough. You are hurting my cat-ulinity.


Via chloe_mae_wells

15.  “No human, I do not want your love.”

Via KWG89

Cats will only o in for a cuddle when they are in the mood for it. Convincing them to hug you is not an option because that will never happen. That is because, as all the cat owners know, it is the cat who adopts the human and it is never the other way around. So, no matter how hard you try to get a cute selfie out of your cat-cuddle moment, it will only happen if your feline buddy wants it to happen.

Praise these monarchs you may actually get lucky. Let’s enjoy some more pictures of humans trying to hug their cats but getting pure rejection

Scroll down below to continue!

16. “This hooman loves to kiss me and I hate it. But she has been a good slave [so I have no option but to keep her].”


Via louieberto

17. She got a hug and her face says it all about how much she enjoyed it.

Via enzopants

18. “Enough, you imbecile…be gone!”


Via drlazaris_vet

19. The cat is regretting adopting this human.

Via Laenaya90

20. “I will name him George and I will love him and pet him and squeeze him.”


Via fightingitalian

21. “Some times I wonder if she would have preferred the shelter life.”

Via Bopeepandsheep

22. “My mom is giving Rei kisses and she is having none of it.”


Via Fireboss76

23. “Haven’t seen me for a week. Greeted with fangs. My cat hates me.”

Via eknkc

24. “Silly boy hated Santa! I have never seen him so angry at someone.”


Via iki0o

25. “Happy day, Mama. We love you but no kisses,”

Via missluna_tabby

26. Dang it, I really miss that kennel right now.


Via Ruas_Onid

27. The only way you are allowed to hug me is if you give me a piece of your tasty flesh.

Via LosButtman

28. I can bet if that kitty was in that position for five more seconds, it must’ve scratched the life out of his owner’s face.


Via globue

29. “Stop hugging me, I am trying to call help.”

Via killerbunnyfamily

30. Brother, I have told you a countless times to keep your hands off me.


Via skirt_oh_skirt

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

dog pillow on roof

Via Scalettas

Dog tax.

“My dog’s pillow fell to the roof couple [of] days ago. It has a new owner now.”


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