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Boyfriend Refuses To Finance Girlfriend, Gets Berated By Her For Treating Her Like A Child

Navigating financial support in the dating realm can be intricate, especially in today’s era where sustaining oneself financially is already demanding. This willingness to support a partner hinges on trust, understanding, and the duration of the relationship. In the early stages of dating, it’s a question of how many individuals would feel comfortable or inclined to provide financial support to their dating partners. This scenario unfolds when a Redditor is asked by his one-month-old girlfriend, who tends to prioritize spending on personal wants rather than essential needs, to assist her financially during a period of voluntary unemployment, as taking a break to focus on improving her mental health.


Let’s look at what he did in his situation and how the events turned out.

Scroll down to read the story!

Source: Reddit

1. A boyfriend faces a dilemma when asked by his girlfriend to support her financially.


2. A couple of month faces financial differences… a twenty-four-year-old employed guy dates a twenty-nine-year-old voluntarily unemployed girl.


3. The OP’s girlfriend got broke and needed money for groceries and thus ended up deciding to go grocery shopping with the OP.


4. After discussing the situation with a friend, the girlfriend thinks the OP treats her like an irresponsible child and is mad at him for going on a solo vacation.


5. She also calls him out for still living with his mother.


6. Boyfriend decided to take drastic steps for the sake of his mental health and peace.


Scroll down to see what other people had to say about the turn of events in the OP’s story!!

7. A perfect solution for both but she didn’t like it…

8. She devised the recipe for the dish but eventually opted for takeout, and he simply adapted to the evolving recipe.


9. Is it just a red flag or the whole red sea???

10. Her mental health is important and yours not?


11. It’s downhill after all.

12. New boyfriend or new target??


13. Three red flags in one girl!!

14. Are the friends even real whom she is talking about??


15. You deserve better and not her.

16. You have to be careful about who you are friends with…


17. Run before it’s too late…

18. Life as an ATM card.


19. A future with this girlfriend.

20. Only one month in, and it’s already turbulence?


Hope you guys liked this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more such interesting stories!


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