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Rude Karen Tries To Bring Fake Service Dog Into Store, Gets Kicked Out

In recent years, the topic of service dogs being allowed in stores has sparked significant debate, especially as some individuals exploit this privilege by falsely claiming their pets as service animals. While service dogs provide invaluable assistance to individuals with disabilities, the misuse of this designation undermines the legitimacy of trained service animals. This practice not only poses challenges for genuine service dog handlers but also raises questions about the integrity of store policies regarding animal access.


OP, who works at a candy store that permits service animals, encountered a situation where a woman attempted to pass off her pet as a service animal to gain entry. Despite the clear deception, OP refused to serve her. In response, the woman threatened to sue, but OP remained steadfast in their decision, recognizing the attempt to exploit the system for personal gain.

Scroll down to read the complete story.

Source: Reddit

1. Karen gets mad when OP refuses service to her.


2. Working in a store that accommodates service animals, OP possesses a keen understanding of the distinction between genuine and counterfeit service animals, thanks to her mother’s experience with a service dog.


3. One day a lady came in with her dog wrapped in her arms and just by the look of it, OP can easily tell it was not a service dog.


4. The OP pointed that out to the woman and she told OP that the dog is her service dog that provides emotional support.


5. OP promptly reminded the woman that emotional support animals do not qualify as service animals under the law, but the woman insisted that her dog provided emotional support and thus should be allowed in the store.


6. The woman, undeterred, threatened to involve law enforcement and take legal action against OP for refusing to serve her. However, OP calmly reminded her of the legal consequences she would face for misrepresenting her pet as a service dog.


7. OP urges individuals to refrain from bringing untrained pets into stores and emphasizes the importance of not falsely claiming a pet as a service animal.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. 

8. It is amusing when people show documents to prove that their pet is a service animal when in reality no such documents exist.


9. It appears that Karen’s dog wasn’t providing much emotional support when she began shouting.

10. When a dog growls at you the moment you talk to it, it’s evident that it’s not a service dog.


11. Even if a legit service animal starts misbehaving…you have all the right to have it removed from the store.

12. The behaviour of an animal can clearly indicate whether it is a service animal or not.


13. Faking having a service animal is one of the biggest problems faced by customers and shop owners nowadays.

14. Bringing a pet as emotional support while shopping serves no practical purpose.


15. One Redditor mentioned that due to legal reasons, they were not permitted to inquire whether customers’ animals were service animals or not.

16. Legally, shopkeepers can ask two basic questions to verify if a pet is a service animal or not.


17. Nowadays, people have started putting up signs stating that emotional support animals are not service animals.

18. It is cruel to take untrained animals into unfamiliar and overwhelming environments.


19. The prevalence of faking service animals has become so widespread.

20. Can I bring my support gorilla with me for shopping??


People applauded OP for standing up for the law and not giving in to the threats of Karen. The practice of faking service animals to gain access to stores and shops is a concerning issue that undermines the rights of individuals who truly rely on trained service animals for assistance. Not only does it create potential hazards and disruptions, but it also diminishes the credibility of genuine service animals. While some measures have been implemented to address this issue, such as legal restrictions and awareness campaigns, continued vigilance and responsible behaviour from both store owners and the public are essential to uphold the integrity of service animal accommodations and ensure the safety and comfort of all patrons. Do share your thoughts on this topic in the comments section below.

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