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Woman Tells “It Is Me Or The Dog” To Husband Who Refuses To Train His Dog

Defensive Husband

Taking care of a dog is more difficult than it appears.

While many people dream of having a furry companion by their side, some find the responsibilities of dog ownership overwhelming. From daily walks and feeding schedules to veterinary bills and training, the dedication required to properly care for a dog is not to be underestimated. Regardless of the desire for companionship, it is critical to consider the practicalities and responsibilities associated with being a responsible pet owner. Having a dog isn’t just about taking Instagram selfies and cuddling with it.


While those mentioned things may be part of it, caring for a dog also entails remembering the feeding schedule, taking them for walks, and, most importantly, training them. While not every pet requires extensive training, dogs can be particularly challenging because you must consider both the dog’s safety and the safety of those around them. This is to say that if you are unable to care for an animal, please do not adopt one. And if you do end up with one and discover it is more difficult than it appears, please find a loving home that actually wants a pet.

The following story is about people who are not doing any of the aforementioned activities, and you can read the entire story for yourself by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

The OP isn’t sure whether she is doing something wrong or if it is the dog causing all the problems.


Right off the bat, it is clear that she absolutely despises the dog that her husband has, and this hate has festered for a long time.


Her husband never trained the dog, so their whole house always smells like pee.


It is probably because the dog never goes on walks, so he isn’t trained to pee outside and does his business inside the house instead.


The OP isn’t sure how she should deal with this since her husband is never willing to listen to her whenever she brings up the subject of the dog.


Via Reddit

The husband talks like he cares so much about the dog, but at the end of the day, he isn’t willing to do anything.


The only thing her husband is willing to do is make excuses and give her platitudes, like how he will start walking the dog but always goes back on his words.

So now OP ended up on Reddit, asking how she should bring this issue up with her husband in a way that he will listen to her.


After all, the husband acts like he loves the dog but doesn’t really do anything in action that would make it seem so.

We also have a summary of the events for people who don’t want to read the full story.


Via Reddit

There was also an update where OP cleared up the misconception that the dog can’t go outside since he does actually have a doggy door.

While I agree that the husband is simply careless and clearly does not want the dog, the original poster (OP) is no exception. She says she has two other dogs, so she must know how to take care of this one as well. Honestly, all of the characters in the story sound like a**holes to me. If she is too busy to care for a dog, it is her responsibility to find him a loving home.

I’m not even going to mention the husband’s responsibility because it’s clear he refuses to listen to reason. I can only hope that the dog will find a better place to spread his wings.

Most of the people in the comments were quite suspicious.


After all, it seems like there is some relevant information that is missing from the story.

The dog is the only one who is innocent here.


I don’t usually recommend ultimatums since they can sour relationships.

However, in this case, an ultimatum might be the only solution.


Via Reddit

I do feel quite sorry for the doggo.

Find the doggo a home that will love him and train him.


I think she is more upset with her husband, but she is also taking it out on the dog, which isn’t fair.

If his behaviour with the dog is any indication, the future of this baby isn’t looking as bright.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on how the OP is handling the situation? Do you think she should take things much more seriously and force her husband to listen? Or do you think she should simply find the dog another home? What would you do if you were in her position? Comment below to let us know, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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