Relationships can be a tangled web.
We grow up watching fairytale romance films. So when you step out into the real world and experience what it’s like to be in a relationship, it can be a big surprise. After all, not everyone has a fairytale ending. In most movies, the ending is usually the beginning of your life with your partner. And it is critical to appreciate and care for your significant other, especially when they are going through a difficult time. I understand how difficult that can be when their illness or something similar begins to take a mental toll on you, but that is what a partner is for.
However, this does not occur in every relationship, and the situation depicted in this story is more complicated than it appears at first glance. In the midst of heartbreak and confusion, a woman faces the delicate task of disclosing her pregnancy to her soon-to-be ex-husband. While navigating the emotional turmoil of an impending divorce, she must muster the courage to share this life-changing news, unsure of how he will react or what the future holds for their unborn child. She wonders if the pregnancy will cause him to reconsider their divorce or if it will solidify his decision to end their marriage. With so much uncertainty surrounding their relationship, she mulls over the best way to break the news to him and turns towards Reddit asking for help.
However, the crux of the issue is something bigger, which you can discover for yourself by scrolling down.
Source: Reddit
A very important thing is the ages here.
Big age gaps are okay unless you met them when they were underage.
However, they ended up getting married.
They wanted more children but she had gotten sick.
Via Reddit
They tried to get pregnant but she was clearly dealing with a lot.
So the husband decided to stop her from talking about it in the first place.
That is when he handed her the divorce papers.
This couldn’t have come at a worse time for her as she is pregnant now.
So she doesn’t know what to do anymore.
That is how she ended up asking Reddit for relationship advice.
Via Reddit
I honestly didn’t realise what was going on until I saw their ages, and then it hit me like a freight train. Yes, the woman was very young and underage when she became pregnant. As a result, I must conclude that this ‘relationship’ was doomed from the start. While I dislike using harsh words to describe people I don’t know, what this guy did and is doing is disgusting. Even if we ignore the big red blinking warning sign about his age, the way he treats her is terrible.
I wholeheartedly advise her to get away from him as soon as possible. He clearly groomed her, and no parent would want their child to be around someone like that.
I mean she was pregnant at 18 but I am pretty sure the relationship had started before that.
He just wants to get out of the marriage at this point.
I would have to agree with this person.
Exactly, he is a monster!
I don’t know if it is true but I hope not.
I don’t even want to think about any of this.
Via Reddit
What are your thoughts on the subject? Would you allow your child to marry an adult while still underage just so the pregnancy news doesn’t ’embarrass’ your family? What would you have done in a situation like this? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.
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