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17 Heartwarming Stories About Little Acts Of Kindness Shared By People

We have absolutely no idea how far can our actions go. No matter how big or small, our actions make a great impact on other people’s lives. When something bad is done, it can be in a person’s mind, consuming them bit by bit until they’re completely shattered and broken into pieces. On the other hand, when we do good, we’re sending out positive vibes that not only inspire others, but also sink deep into the minds.


Little acts of kindness always stay with us. The good thing is that kindness is contagious. It motivates others to do the same or do something similar to another person. We don’t have to know someone to be kind with them. We can be strangers and still be kind. It doesn’t cost a thing. Here are 17 heartwarming stories about little acts of kindness shared by people. Scroll down to read them and get inspired.

It is the best thing one can do. You never know who needs to hear a kind word.


Kindness leaves a mark.


Some people just make their way into our thoughts and prayers.


Siblings are a blessing. The always have our back.


Never be too shy to ask for help. Such kind people restore our faith in humanity.


Never ever be too shy or too egoistic to ask for help when you need it. It’s okay. None of us are perfect. We all have our moments when we’re vulnerable and clueless. We’re desperately seeking help but not asking for it. Not all people in this wold are selfish. There is still some humanity left in people. We just have to reach out and ask. Always be humble and down to earth, so that people can reach out to you. What that elder lady did was so kind. Such people are the unsung heroes of our society. They spread peace and love with their little acts of kindness. They make a chain of good deeds that is passed on from one person to another.

God bless the kind waiter.


We learn a lot more about kindness from strangers than we do from people we know.


It always inspires us to see how some people are kind enough to open doors of their homes for complete strangers.


How sweet!

Being kind and considerate doesn’t cost a thing.


Always be the one to cheer up a broken person. They may remember you for life.

Always be nice to people. You never know who may be in desperate need of your help.


Kind words can heal a broken heart and fill people with love.


Good deed always finds a way back.


Some people have a huge heart made of gold.

That’s so kind.


It always feels so nice to hear about people going out of their way to help people.


No act is big or small, it’s always good or bad. A kind word and a little act of kindness goes a long way. We can’t even imagine how it may influence other people and impact their lives. Always be kind and send it on. Do share your moment of kindness in the comments below.


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