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Twitter Goes Wild After This Guy Says Some People Don’t Have A Voice In Their Head

Not everyone can hear their thoughts.

I personally didn’t know this but some people can ‘talk’ in their head while others can’t. I don’t know what I can and can’t do because honestly, my brain is about to melt just thinking about this. But you know how many movies have narration, turns out it is a real thing that happens to people.


While we don’t really have a voice in our head narrating everything we do, it can come in and out especially when you are trying to sleep. As it turns out some people can’t imagine things when they read a book and read the actual ‘words’ if that makes any sort of sense.

People have varying opinions and thoughts on this, so you can take a look by scrolling below.

This is very true since I wasn’t aware there was any sort of difference.


I always thought it can go both ways and for some it does.


I can see words if I try but most of the time it is just seamless ‘thinking’.


I had no idea some people couldn’t hear the all-encompassing voice.


I always thought it was pretty normal. Like who doesn’t talk to themselves?


I mean how do they think? Is it hard for them?


My inner voice is reading this as we speak.

Same here, It is quite confusing, to say the least.


Well, that must have been a revelation for him.

Maybe this is why some people can’t relax.


Most of the time, thoughts are abstract unless you are focusing on something.

I would love to have that now that I think about it.


Even when you are not in the mood, you can’t turn it off.

So does this mean everyone’s learning capacity is different?


Honestly, that is the same thing I was going through a moment ago.

Exactly! I suppose this is why some people hate narration.


I don’t know how to explain it.

How are raccoons and lasagna related though?


Apparently, some lucky few don’t.

That has to be a normal thing right?


Everyone has their moments.

That is very heartbreaking to read.


Another person mentioned this.

It can be annoying at times.


I am going to be thinking about this for a long time.

I thought that too but apparently, that is not true.


As surprising as it is, they don’t.

Not really a joke anymore.


Most of the time, I’d imagine the thing rather than the word.

Why not share which sort of thinker are you? Comment down below and let us know.


What do you think?