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Manager Threatens To Fire A Mother Who Cant Work Because Her Son Is Sick

Family will always come first.

While I am aware this is not accurate for everyone, it should be. I can understand that you have to work diligently to pay the bills and provide the necessities your kids require. However, most kids need your time and care more than the monetary things. And any great parent would not be able to leave their child alone on life support while they went ahead to work.


This is why the response to this conversation has been so overwhelmingly against the manager. I suppose the manager is only doing their job but threatening to fire a mother who wants to be there for her child looks pretty bad for the manager. As you can expect, the Internet was not happy and came to support the mother and rally against the harsh words of the manager.

It is not necessary to have kids yourself to realize this is not right at all.

You told them a day before which I think is great!


I can’t even imagine how worried this mother would be.


But the manager was less than considerate.


It doesn’t hurt to be a decent human being towards your employees.


Unsurprisingly, the mother was quite angry at the hand she was dealt with.


How is staying with your kid considered drama? Is this even a human being?


I have personally gone to work when my family member was severely sick and it is horrible.

I can understand where the manager is coming from but it is still not right.


To think work is more important than your family is preposterous.

Sadly, this is what companies expect of you these days.


This is what Folk Oil Had to say after the Internet storm.

We investigated and have found that the situation was handled improperly and without the compassion that we value as a company. For that, we are very sorry. As a result of this finding, we took quick action, and that manager is no longer employed by PS Food Mart.

We have also reaffirmed to our employee that she will be able to take all the time off that she needs during this difficult period. We’d like to thank the public for their concern.

That is a whole new level of low and disgusting.

That is how a boss should be.


Thankfully the issue was resolved quickly by the company.


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