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Best Cat Posts That Are A Proof Of How Expressive They Are

Where would the world be without the silly shenanigans of our furry little felines? Cats are very choosy when it comes to deciding who their human will be. So if they choose you, you should feel lucky! Just being chosen by the cat is a really special feeling, and it is enough to make you extremely happy.


Now, let’s talk about how these precious babies are so irresistible! Cats will bring you joy in every way possible, even when they are being obnoxious. What is it about them that captures our hearts and make us their slaves right away, you may ask? Its their charm. These tiny little babies are really small in size but they have a huge capacity of receiving love. When a cat comes our way, it’s not easy to resist the impulse to stroke him or her. And they purr! Purring actually has positive impact on us. It helps us and them with stress levels, blood pressure, soothes your soul and some nice purring time can wash away a lot of negative emotions as well. Cats are also highly entertaining. They love hunting, and exploring so much so that they will explore literally everything and anything in sight! A shopping bag, toilet roll, ball of wool, and even papers! They tend to get intrigued by literally everything. Another thing to admire about these little creatures is their ability to nap in the cutest way possible.

When you show your cats some affection, they will often return it. Keyword here is often, because they are moody. They need their personal space. But! they will keep you happy. Even cats that lack empathy, have an amazing personality. Before there were emojis, or even words to express emotions, cats were the ones that have been teaching us how to react to life! This article is all about cats and their expressiveness, which will bring smile on your face! Scroll down and see below!

1. Have you ever seen something so tiny?


Tiny wittle bubba in the tiniest sweater!

2. You can’t see me..


They are the best at hide and seek.

3. ‘I asked you to sketch me like Jack sketches Rose.’


Hooman, you are truly useless…

4. What sleeping like a baby looks like!


All curled up!

5. Ready to take a warm shower.


Just on that one spot tho. The water should not touch any other part of my body.

These cuties are giving us a major fomo! Need to go and get more and more cats. I could only hope these won’t make me turn into a crazy cat lady. Or, even if it did, that would be acceptable, too. They are irresistible after all. As for you, this is not the end. Keep scrolling for more of these wonders.

6. Yasss Queenn!!!


Looking so charming even in a litter box!

7. How threatening and fierce does this baby look!


Run away because this is one dangerous kitty!

8. Cats will be cats?

How cats express their love.

9. Love for music doesn’t go away even while sleeping

Look at those wittle paws!!!

10. Learning new ways to get attention

This squeaky little voice! brb crying…

Well, we are sure by now that these cats must’ve won you over. These little furr-babies are the funniest little creatures! We can’t get over how these were so hilarious yet so heart-warming at the same time. If you had similar views as we did, let us know in the comments section below. Don’t forget to share these with your loved ones to make their 100x better!


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