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Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Not Backing Her Female Colleague

Whether we’re living in the east or west, crimes like workplace harassment and dirty workplace politics are everywhere. No matter where we work, there are always some people who are jealous of those progressing by leaps and bounds. These people can not see anyone making progress while they are still standing on the staring line. It hurts them deeply, and they feel defeated. Although there is nothing to be personal about promotions, but these people like to take things personally. They start to think ill of their colleagues and constantly try to pull their legs.


When working together at a workplace, we become friends with our coworkers with time. We hangout everyday and make all kinds of jokes. Some of those jokes are hysterical, and others may be of sexual nature. Although our intentions are pure, but we can not control how others would perceive it. Our colleagues may laugh with us in the moment, but they can use our jokes against us later. Specially when they see us getting more successful then themselves. Not everyone who laughs with us is our friend.We read an interesting post in the Subreddit “Am I the a*shole” about a man who spoke the truth and didn’t side with his female coworker. She had accused another male coworker for making a sexual joke that made her uncomfortable. After he testifies, all his female co-workers turned against him despite of being on the false side. Scroll down to read what happened exactly.

OP was called upon as a witness in a sexual harassment case.


The female coworker was jealous of her male colleague getting a promotion.


The OP spoke the truth.


How is OP the a*shole for being honest? He told the story as it was. The woman was playing her woman card and was clearly jealous of her colleague getting a promotion. Not only her, but all the other female colleagues were on the wrong side. Just for the sake of pulling the promoted coworker’s leg, they were going to ruin his whole reputation.It’s ridiculous and unethical. The OP did the right thing and should not be ashamed of it even if the entire office is against him. It’s great how HR did justice and made a good decision. However, they should have fired her. Women like her are the reason why people have lost their faith in women speaking up about sexual harassment. Reddit posts are never complete without the comments from Redditors. Scroll down to read what they said.

The OP saved a man’s reputation.




OP beware!


It was a deep violation of human rights.

The woman should have been fired.


The accusations were deep rooted.

The woman is clearly the a*shole.


She clearly did it out of jealousy.

This could have ruined her male colleague’s life.


Her dishonesty is the problem.

Always speak the truth, no matter what the situation is. Just because of one lie, someone’s whole reputation could have been destroyed. OP saves a man’s job as well as his reputation. He did something very right and should not worry about people getting mad at him. What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments below.


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