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20 Clever Comics With A Surprising Twist That You Didn’t See Coming


Humour is a highly subjective matter.

And everyone has their own unique sense of humour. One such type of humour is dry humour, which is not the type that would make you laugh out loud. Instead, it involves finding humour in everyday situations and crafting the mundane aspects of life into a story that is both relatable and amusing. Dry humour is full of surprises, twists, and turns that you never see coming. Unlike a movie, where the twist is hinted at throughout the story, the punchline in dry humour comes completely out of left field, which makes it even funnier. In other words, the surprise factor is what makes it so enjoyable. If you have a knack for finding humour in the ordinary and enjoy witty wordplay and clever puns, then dry humour is definitely your cup of tea.

We have curated some of the best comic strips from his project, which we believe are a testament to his creativity and skill. Each comic strip is a journey, taking the reader on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Kasper’s art is captivating and his stories are relatable, making it easy for readers to connect with the characters and their experiences. If you’re looking for a quick escape from reality, look no further than ‘It’s the Tie’. The comic strips are a perfect blend of humour, wit, and unexpected surprises that will leave you wanting more.

Scroll down to see some of our favourite comic strips from the project and judge for yourself.

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#1 Tech support sure does have it difficult.


#2 I am not sure If I want to know the story behind this.


#3 This is surprisingly heartbreaking.


#4 When you don’t expect something to ever happen and are caught unprepared.


#5 I would have to agree that the pen is mightier than the sword in a lot of cases.


#6 Yoshi always gets the short end of the stick.


#7 This is why it is important to read the fine print.

#8 The curse of being a perpetual bass player.


#9 How do you live on when you have nothing to left to live for?

Hamder Kasper, a talented artist, has a unique talent for taking ordinary life situations and turning them into something extraordinary. He has created a series of long-strip comics under the project name ‘It’s the Tie’. In these comics, he weaves stories that may seem mundane at first glance but are sure to leave you pleasantly surprised by the end. Kasper’s excellent storytelling skills, coupled with his dark humour and unexpected plot twists, have made him a social media sensation, and his popularity shows no signs of waning any time soon.

#10 I am not sure if he needs to go to jail or not.


#11 Some people just want to watch the world burn.

#12 I guess we know why he got picked for the game now.


#13 At some point these statements stop hurting.

#14 He should have read the note on the box.


#15 I am not sure if a one-pound difference can cause this.

#16 Doctors never listen.


#17 He tried his best.

#18 A lot of people can relate to this.


#19 So this is how you get away with things.

#20 God is just trying to help him out. Loneliness is hell to deal with.


I’m curious to know your thoughts on these comics. Did you find them amusing? Are you a regular fan of this particular brand of humour, or was it a completely new experience for you? Have you had the opportunity to read any of Hamder Kasper’s previous work? If so, please share your thoughts in the comments below. And if you enjoyed these comics, feel free to spread the word and share them with your friends so that they too can appreciate the brilliant work of this talented artist.


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