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Dog Owner Creates Hilarious Comics About His Life With Two Rescue Dogs

Dogs are very unique with their characteristics. Depending on their breed, some are generally playful while others are the lazy dogs. The variety in attitudes and behaviors are unique to each dog, depending on how well the trainer has trained the dog , alongside their own innate characteristics.

The 2 rescue dogs, a Pomeranian and a Cojack (Corgi-Jack Russel mix) have been entertaining our audience since 2020 with their lifestyles, actions and behviors that just happens to brighten up our day. Isnt it the cutest illustration comics that Angie has made to tell her tales of being a mother of two such cute doggos.

1. The owner is kind enough to serve you dumplings just at the right temperature.


2. Then whats the difference between the both? Let the cute bunny live.


3. The definition of Elegance is defined by jewelry. Besides women cant have enough Diamonds.


4. Theres only so many hands she has to hold so much.


5. Like teenagers asked to take pictures.


6. Guiding Dogs are doing the job just right.


7. Just a tad-bit of an insult is tolerable no? At least there would be some consequences.

8. If only the man understands the triggers of dogs and what owners have to do to get things handled.


9. Eating healthy right off the plants. There is one big pest walking around, sir.

10. Dogs are too loyal to fool around with.


11. Its the loud jamming sessions that are just too much to handle sometimes.

12. Its just a bunch of fireworks. “We shall follow our owners command!”.


13. When its time to hit the lu, it is time.

14. The shedding should be the new normal now.


15. Any snack can get you to stay inside, let us go have drinks for the night.

I surely am enjoying the daily routines of both the pups and how they make sure to keep their owner entertained. The adventures they go through together as a family is adding the extra fun to life and is just too cute, carry on to read up on more comics to find the one you can relate to the most.

16. Ummmm, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed today morning.


17. If only someone could understand the struggles of the corgie the way he does.

18. Thats double the trouble, first thing in the morning. What a lovely fragnant breeze.


19. Both of the sassy dogs have their own attitude, while youre stuck in between.

20. It kinda looks like a living, breatheabble toy for him to play with?


21. Parasites can be tough on pups, Hope you get well soon.

22. The walk of shame is real, too much going on to explain.


23. One mans waaste is another mans treasure.

24. We humans nurture our pets with all our will.


25. Moth killer alert. Try harder on the NO next time.

26. Theres a squirrel and theres no one to follow it? Never gonna happen.


Going through the entire article made me enjoy the daily facade and rucks that dogs put up to try to do their own thing or acknowledge the owner. However their non-verbal expressions are mistaken, which happens to get funny real quick as to how adorable these creatures are.

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