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Hilarious Reactions Of Pets That Prove Animals And Water Don’t Go Hand In Hand

Animals and water were never meant to be together.

Things are all exciting, fun, and games for animals until the point they hear “It’s bath time!”. All the smiles just fade away and they start looking for excuses to not go under the water. Anyone who has washed a pet would know how cranky they can get at times. It gets very difficult when they are not in the mood. Seems like they developed a hate for water before birth. To us humans, warm baths in winter or cold showers in summers give a very soothing and relaxing feeling. That is extremely opposite if we talk about animals. They get absolutely terrified and pray to animal gods for the water to stop somehow.

It obviously isn’t a nice sight for anyone who loves animals but considering how important hygiene is and how prone our pets are to infections, it is important to go against their will sometimes. After all, it is for their own good.

Today we have got 18 pet animals being cleaned up by their owners. Their expressions will explain how they feel.

Scroll down below to witness the fun animal and water rivalry.

1. Is that the same dog?



2. Seems like the cat has seen a ghost.


© depositphotos© pipertakespictures / reddit© pipertakespictures / reddit

3. Trying its hardest to play the slip cool! It happens, part of life.


© depositphotos© depositphotos

4. Why did you have to do this to me, Mommy?


© cucumberita / pikabu

5. It turned into a burrito! I like burritos.


6. When she finally agrees to meet you without make-up.


© OptimusN1701 / reddit

7. The wet owl looks like it’s about to unleash all its wrath. Better maintain a safe distance.

© depositphotos© depositphotos

8. From a cute pomeranian to a wet soggy boy.


© pexels© olenevva / twitter

9. “My Mia, before and after a rare bath”

Gavin Wray

There are days when you just don’t want to take a shower. And that isn’t because I hate water, that is because my ass is too lazy to get up, take out new clothes, and then make the extra effort to take a shower. Please, don’t be grossed out. It is what it is. But these reactions, are absolutely hilarious and a part of my heart feels for them too. Poor animals. Listen up, it is for your greater good, you cuties.

Scroll down below for some more animals reacting to water touching their souls.

10. When you accidentally fall in the water and turn into a stuffed toy.


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11. Oh my god the cat looks equally cute as wet as it looks fluffy.

© v1talya / pikabu

12. Contemplating every single decision made in life that brought the cat to this point.


© The-Qing / reddit

13. “What do you know about horror?!”

© pexels© teraflux / reddit

14. “I gave my pomeranian a bath…and he went full meerkat!”


© Unknown / imgur© Damaxan / reddit

15. You better run for your life, owner, because that kitty does not look happy.

© S***er69 / pikabu

16. Neigh did you do that? I thought we were friends.


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17. “What’s cuter than a soggy baby in the tub? 2 cute soggy babies in the tub!”


18. Dry head and a wet body. Lowkey a nightmare if you ask me.


© DonaldK / pikabu© TitoMPG / reddit

It’s crazy how at first I was laughing at their reactions and now I kinda feel bad. Is this normal? Looks like it’s a normal phenomenon for animal lovers. No one wants to see an animal resisting something, but ultimately it’s part of the process and you need to have a very strong heart to get through it. They don’t say “treating an animal isn’t easy” for no reason.

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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