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Daughter Refuses To Go To Costco With Entitled Mother Because She Behaves Like “Karen”


OP (22) faced an uncomfortable situation at Costco with their entitled and narcissistic mother. She yelled at an employee over a minor issue. OP vowed never to go with her again. After two months, the mom wants to know why. OP’s dad advised them to keep quiet to avoid confrontation. OP contemplates whether they’d be wrong to finally reveal the true reason for their mother’s behavior. This story illustrates the challenge of dealing with difficult family dynamics and deciding when and how to address problematic behavior. OP’s hesitation stems from their desire to keep the peace and avoid verbal abuse, but it also raises the issue of setting boundaries and addressing problems within the family construct.


Scroll down to read the full story if you think it is interesting.

OP lives with their entitled and narcissistic mother who adores Costco. A past trip to Costco ended badly, leading OP to avoid future visits.


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At Costco, OP was appalled by their mother’s constant nitpicking and complaints, even after purchase, making the bag check the worst part.


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In a two-minute line at Costco, OP’s mother started screaming at an employee, demanding names, and threatening to make the employee pay for her purchases.


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OP felt horrified and apologized for her mother’s behavior. In the car, OP mentioned her mother’s wrong actions, leading to their decision never to go to Costco with her again.


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After two months, OP’s mom noticed their refusal to accompany her to Costco. She’s now curious, and OP wonders if it’s okay to tell her it’s because of her behavior.


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OP’s dad wants them to avoid talking about the issue with their mom to maintain peace due to her potential verbal ab*se following confrontations.


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OP’s dad wants them to avoid talking about the issue with their mom to maintain peace due to her potential verbal abuse following confrontations.

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The last confrontation was during high school. It failed, and OP’s mother refused therapy, attributing it to jealousy. OP believes videos won’t change her.


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OP’s family plans to address their mother’s behavior. OP is actively seeking a job and intends to move out with their dad’s support when possible, but job hunting is challenging.

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OP lives in the US, apologizing for their writing style. They won’t call their mother a “Karen.” They appreciate the support and consider sharing an update after the talk.


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Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article, too.

NTA! You’re making an effort to address a difficult situation and maintain peace in your family.

OP’s consideration for your family’s peace makes him NTA. His approach shows maturity and empathy.


You’re making a responsible choice, OP. NTA for keeping your family’s well-being in mind.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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“Had a little visitor at my work yesterday!”

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