If you get bored often and you feel down then don’t worry we have a solution for you. It has four legs, a dripping nose, and a loving heart. Dogs are the key to a less stressful and happier life. That isn’t just a dog lover’s opinion; it is scientific fact. Dogs not only make us happy, but they also make us healthier, according to research. Interacting with dogs raises oxytocin levels, the feel-good hormone, and lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Dogs can even make us feel accepted and appreciated. According to one study, dog owners had stronger self-esteem and were better at dealing with social rejection.
Instead of boring you with these scientific facts, we’ll just let these Tumblr and Twitter users convince you. After seeing these adorable doggos photos you would want to get a puppy for yourself. What are you waiting for folks? Keep on scrolling down below, and make sure you watch it till the end. We are sure that you are going to love it!.
1. This is simply an adorable doggo
via: tumblr.com
2. Look at all the excitement on her face
via: twitter.com
3. Doggos and humans have the most beautiful bond period.
via: twitter.com
4. She is really pretty, look at her fancy collar and beautiful hair
via: twitter.com
5. Dogs and their obsessions with toys
via: twitter.com
6. Come here hooman you and I need to have a conversation
via: twitter.com
7. Just a beautiful reminder Safety First!
via: twitter.com
8. Dogs are whole mood
via: twitter.com
9. I need to go in those magical bushes
via: twitter.com
10. Look at his face OP must have pissed him off
via: twitter.com
11. Zack and his beautiful doggo
via: twitter.com
12. They all look so lovely, how?
via: twitter.com
13. You need to sew me another sweater hooman. I don’t like it
via: twitter.com
14. POV the instant regret after having a haircut
via: twitter.com
15. Doggos are geniuses
via: twitter.com
16. Doggos are unpredictable
via: twitter.com
17. Such a genius dad, next time you are cutting your doggo’s nails make sure to remember this
via: twitter.com
18. Bestfriends need to sit up front
via: twitter.com
When you are around a dog you can never get bored because they are these amazing creatures who are fun-loving and they are always trying to cheer us up. Well, doggos can be highly unpredictable, sometimes we wonder what the heck is going on inside their brains that they never rest. Some of the best feelings dogs owners can relate to is when you come back home after a long time, and the moment your doggo sees you it is all excited and jumping around you. This just proves how much a dog loves you. Once you have earned their trust they are all yours.
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