Everyone is a different kind of person when they are drunk. Your actions as well as what you say after you are drunk determines your transformed alcoholic personality. One may become an overly emotional person, an angry beast, a horny dude or a love bird, it all depends on that person. However, most of the times, it turns out to be funny. We have collected hilarious drunk people’s stories with you that will make you laugh till you stomach ache, check them out.
1. Soulmate check; drinking mates
in Entertainment, Stories
17 Times People Got Drunk And Came Home With Hilarious Stories
via: heyitskellyy
via: peytnhaag
via: cambreezyyyy
via: princegeee_
via: imgur
I can’t stop laughing after reading these, I bet you too! Aren’t humans the craziest once they loose themselves? It all reflects the multiple personalities we as humans acquire. The last story was quite hilarious and bizarre at the same time, yet we all enjoyed it. Let us know if you have ever done some crazy act whilst you were drunk. Some funny stories would be coming our way.