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Employee Got Fired For Changing In The Women’s Bathroom


The situation described highlights a number of concerning factors. Firstly, the absence of an employee bathroom in the restaurant puts servers in a difficult position, making it understandable for them to use public restrooms when necessary. Additionally, the protagonist of the story was already facing challenges with her water being shut off, further complicating her situation. OP arrived at work to freshen up and change into her uniform before a double shift, only to have a young customer’s child crawl under the stall to look at her. Despite the child’s claim that entering the women’s bathroom was accidental, the act of crawling under the stall raises concerns about appropriate behavior and boundaries.


To make matters worse, OP was fired as a result of the incident. However, seeking advice from the comments section of the post may help her demonstrate to her managers that the decision to terminate her employment was a significant mistake. It is evident that the situation raises important questions about workplace policies, privacy, and appropriate conduct. Employers should prioritize creating safe and comfortable environments for their employees, considering factors such as bathroom facilities and addressing incidents like the one described with appropriate measures rather than punishing the victim.

One day OP was going to work for his second job when he went to a public washroom to change. A kid came in when she didn’t notice.


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OP asked the kid to go out but he didn’t. OP thought to talk to his mother but he was alone.


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The mum started yelling at OP for talking to his kid and being in a men’s washroom.


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The manager came in and asked what happened. OP told it was the women’s washroom. Upon asking the kid didn’t know which bathroom he went in.


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OP was fired for being n*ked at work which was truly unjustified.


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OP went back to talk to the manager but he didn’t understand too. The manager was of the view that exposing a child to a naked employee was not good.


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Now that you have read the story,  it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. It is obvious that OP did not make a mistake and the boss overreacted for no reason. Firing OP was never justified while OP is in the right here. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

It was a bathroom stall and it summarises everything already.

Not everyone has to be n*ked.


OP would have never imagined she would lose her job over this. What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused.


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