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Employee Gives Rude Customer Taste Of Their Own Medicine On His Last Day At The Job

The last day at a job can be amazing.

If you have actually quit yourself and not been fired. I know when I quit one of my jobs, it was the most amazing feeling in the world. If you hate the work you do, you can feel like a load has been lifted off your shoulders when you finally end it. And if you work in an industry where you have to deal directly with customers, it can bring you a new kind of peace knowing you can say whatever you want.


We have heard so many stories of customers treating service workers like trash and the employees can do nothing but silently listen to all the insults. That is why it is understandable it would feel so great to finally speak your mind and say what you are thinking of their rudeness.

They are humans as well and thus they can feel anger too. So that is why today we have a story of such an employee who finally had enough.

Source: Reddit

Everyone has had to deal with douchebag bosses that we would rather punch than listen to them.


I can already tell this is not going to go the way the customer had hoped.


Did the customer really need to speak to the manager to get his darn food? This is another level of bull.


Okay, that is some perfect level of justice. If that was me, I would have just taken the frozen food with me.


The customer obviously tried to threaten the guy but he had nothing on him so what could he do?


I couldn’t help but smile when you said ‘not a happy bunny’ seeing as how my nickname for my consistently fussy husband is ‘fussy bunny.’Sgt-Tibbs

Some bosses just want everything done perfectly without realizing everything that goes into it.


That sounds like a dream come true for me. Some day!

Even getting two out of these three can be pretty hard.


I imagine your job satisfaction went through the roof after that interaction! –FelicityMyste

Some have just had a bad day and wrongfully let their anger run free on whoever comes into the crossfire.

It is really sad to see that service workers feel this day and yet have to work for minimum wage.


Have you ever had the pleasure to do this? If so how did it go? Comment down below and let us know.


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